Part 12

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The next morning Lili had woken up to Cole stroking her arm softly. He smiled as her eyes opened, making her giggle, then she yawned quietly.

Lili- What time is it?

Cole- 8:00, we have about an hour before we have to be at work.

Lili- (nods) Okay.

Lili rolled out of bed and was walking towards the door, but Cole grabbed her wrist before she left.

Cole- Where are you going?

Lili- I need to check on Gracie, I'll be right back.

He nodded and walked into the bathroom as she left to check on her daughter. She walked down the hallway quietly, not wanting to wake her if she was still sleeping, but as she opened the door, she saw Gracie hiding under the covers. Lili smiled and walked over to her bed, thinking she was just playing, but when she pulled the covers off of her, she saw her tears.

Lili- (gasps quietly) Baby, what's wrong?

She pulled Gracie into her lap and hugged her tightly.

Lili- Gracie..? (softly)

Gracie- I heard footsteps and I got scared. (sniffles)

Lili- Aww, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Gracie nodded and hugged her mom before crawling out of her lap and grabbing her new stuffed animals. Then she crawled back under the covers and started giggling. Lili laughed and tickled her daughter through the duvet before pulling her out and lifting her into the air. Then she landed back in her lap.

Lili- Alright, are you ready to get dressed?

Gracie- (nods) Are we going somewhere?

Lili- (nods) Yeah, Cole and I need to go to work, you're going to come with us and meet all of our friends.

Gracie- Are they nice? (softly)

Lili- They're very nice. I'm pretty sure some of them are going to be all over you with hugs and kisses, but if you get nervous you can just be with me and Cole.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around her mothers shoulders as she picked her up, then Lili got her dressed. She put her in an adorable little dress with some leggings to keep her warm, then she braided her hair into two french braids.

Lili- What do you think?

Gracie was looking at herself in the mirror with a huge smile on her face.

Gracie- I love it mama, thank you! (smiles)

Lili- You're welcome, baby. Now come to my room, I need to get dressed now.

She nodded and walked with her mother into her bedroom as Cole walked out of the bathroom.

Cole- Oh my goodness, look at this beautiful girl!

Gracie giggled as Cole picked her up and threw her into the air. He caught her and placed her down on the bed before sitting next to her, then they looked up at Lili who was smiling.

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