Part 32

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Gracie- Mommy! Cole!

As she appeared, Lili wiped her tears while Cole stood in front of her and knelt down towards the child.

Cole- There's our little sleeping beauty! Did you have sweet dreams?

Gracie- Yes! I dreamed that I was a princess in a big castle! You and mama were king and queen, and all your friends lived in our kingdom. I had a pet dragon and a pet unicorn...oh and mommy had a baby in her belly!

Cole chuckled and picked up Gracie, throwing her slightly before catching her and clinging her to his hip.

Cole- Wow, that sounds like quite a dream, my love!

Gracie- It was!!! Mommy, do you have a baby in your belly?

The little girl asked as she looked away from Cole and directed her gaze onto her mother. Lili smiled and walked over to her daughter, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Lili- No, baby, I don't. But maybe someday.

Gracie nodded and leaned onto Cole's shoulder, but then she looked at her mother again with a questioning expression.

Gracie- Mommy, how do baby's get into belly's?

Cole chuckled softly before looking at Lili to let her answer this question.

Lili- U-Um, sweetie, this is a long conversation that I don't think we have time for right now.

Gracie- Please mommy, I want to know!!

Lili sighed and took her daughter from Cole's arms before sitting with her daughter in her lap, at the kitchen table.

Lili- Mommy's and daddy's usually love each other a lot before they have a baby, it doesn't always happen that way, but most of the time it does. And when they really love each other, daddys will decide to put a tiny seed in a mommy's belly. Then they grow for nine months before they are born to hopefully be strong and healthy.

Gracie- But what happened to my daddy? Did you love him?

Lili looked up at Cole to see him watching the two of them interact, but then she turned her attention back to her daughter.

Lili- I did at one point, but we couldn't stay together. We weren't good for each other.

Gracie- (nods) But you and Cole are, right?

Lili- Yes, yes we are.

Gracie- Does that mean you and Cole will have a baby?

Lili- As I said, maybe someday, but right now we have you, and you are the most amazing little girl anyone could ask for.

Gracie smiled and snuggled into her mothers arms before jumping up and running to Cole who was finishing all the pancakes.

Gracie- Cole! Up!

She raised her arms up to him, waiting for him to pick her up, but before he did, he tickled her sides. Then he pulled her onto his hip, letting her help him plate the pancakes. Lili sat at the kitchen table and watched the two before they walked over and sat with her for breakfast. Gracie was sitting next to her mother, leaning towards her, while Cole was across from them.

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