Part 6

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The whole day Lili and Cole did their best to make Gracie comfortable with them while also setting up her bedroom. They had a two bedroom apartment so their second bedroom was a guest room but now it was going to be for Gracie. Lili put away her few pairs of clothes into the drawers while putting her toys and stuffed animals on the big bed. They were still going to have to get her some more things but they had what she needed for the moment. But soon it was late and Gracie was really tired.

Gracie- Mama, I'm sleepy.

Lili had already bathed her and put her in pajamas with her wet hair in braids, now she just needed to tuck her into bed. She picked up her daughter on her hip and walked with her into her bedroom while Cole followed. The two of them tucked the little four year old into her bed but as they were about to leave she jumped up and ran back over to Cole and her mother. She grabbed onto their hands and stayed really close to them, still being very nervous...that's when Lili knelt down.

Lili- Do you want to sleep with us tonight?

Gracie didn't even say anything, she just nodded before allowing her mother to pick her up and carry her into their bedroom, then they all laid down together. Lili rubbed her daughters back as she curled into her chest, but the young mother could feel her daughters racing heartbeat against her chest.

Lili- Gracie, baby, shh, your heart is racing my love. Just take a deep breath for me...I'm right here.

She nodded and took a breath before looking back up at her mother.

Lili- Good job baby, now, just close your eyes and try to get some sleep, okay? I promise I'm gonna be right here all night.

The little girl nodded once again before shutting her eyes, keeping her arm wrapped tightly around her mother. And after a few minutes her breathing had steadied allowing Lili to turn onto her side and look over at her boyfriend, while still keeping her arm laced with her daughters.

Cole- W-Well, today has turned out to be...interesting.

Lili- promise you're not mad?

Cole- Why would I be mad at you? You don't have to tell me every last detail from your past, I would like you to trust me, but since this was too hard for you to tell I'm not mad...still shocked, but never mad.

She nodded and looked down at her daughter who was still holding onto her tightly, then she ran her fingers along her cheek.

Lili- Thank you for understanding...but honestly I'm just mad at myself. (tears)

Cole- Hun, you don't have to be.

Lili- But I do...I gave her away when she needed me! (cries)

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