Part 11

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Cole- Lil's...

Lili- What? I'm putting Gracie to bed.

Cole- I know...just come to the living room when she is asleep.

Lili nodded and looked at her daughter who had already passed out, but she waited a few minutes before getting up and going to sit with Cole in the living room. And he looked a little nervous.

Lili- What is it? What's wrong?

Cole- Okay I don't want you to freak out but...

Cole handed his phone over to Lili and her eyes instantly widened as she saw pictures of her Cole and Gracie all over social media.

Lili- H-How..?

Cole- I don't know, someone must've seen us and taken a picture.

Lili- T-That's why I was getting so many texts...shit...

Cole- Don't worry too much about it right now. Gracie is sleeping peacefully in her room and tomorrow we can explain everything to everyone at work.

Lili- But what about all the fans?

Cole- Lili, you don't have to worry about them right now. This is about you and Gracie, nobody else. When you're ready you can post something about everything but until then let's just worry about us.

Lili nodded and leaned into her boyfriend's arms before pulling her phone out of her back pocket. She had silenced her phone from all of the notifications she was getting, but now she had over 200 from the messages app alone. She sighed as she scrolled through every text that she had received, but she didn't respond to any of them. She was just going to wait until she needed to face everyone, she didn't have the energy for texting everyone the same, LONG, story. So then she just placed her phone down and looked up at Cole who was watching her, with his arms still wrapped around her tightly.

Cole- You okay?

Lili- (sighs) I don't think I'm ready for tomorrow.

Cole- I know, it's gonna be a lot, but it'll all be fine.

Lili nodded and rested in her boyfriend's arms for a while, and as it got late they went to bed needing to be well rested for the following day's events.

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