Part 16

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Cole- What's wrong?

Lili- Whatever her foster parents did to her, destroyed her. I just don't know how I'm supposed to fix this.

Cole- Lili, you can't fix everything, even though I know you want to.

Lili- But she's my daughter, I need to be able to help her.

Cole- For now, I think you just need to take care of her and show her that you love her, and make sure she knows that she's safe.

Lili nodded as Cole sat next to her, then he kissed her cheek.

Cole- I know that it's hard, but you're doing an amazing job. Now, why don't I get us some food before we have to work again?

Lili- Yes please! Can you just get me a salad or something?

Cole- Yep, I'll be back in a few minutes.

He kissed her cheek softly again before getting up and leaving their trailer, but after a second, someone peeked their head in.

Cami- Hello..? (softly)

Lili- Hey Cam, come in.

Cami walked in and immediately saw Lili with her daughter sleeping in her arms, she gasped and placed her hands on her heart before running over and sitting right next to her.

Cami- Lili! She's so fricken cute! (squeals)

Lili- (giggles) Thank you.

Cami- I really didn't want to barge in on you guys but I need to check in and make sure you were okay and everything.

Lili- That's really sweet, and yeah, I'm good. I'm exhausted though.

Cami- I'm sure, mom life looks fun but exhausting.

Lili- Well, I'm just getting back into it. (nervously)

Cami- You sound nervous about everything okay.

Lili- Yeah, I just, I really have to think about her now and what will be best for her and how I can help her. Everyone else in my left is going to have to come after her, and I really don't want to push everyone else away, but she needs to be my top priority...especially because of everything she's been through. And everything I've put her through.

Cami- Lili, it's not your fault. You know that right? She was placed in a foster home with terrible people, but that has nothing to do with the choice you made and the decision that was best for you. That was the government's fault. You can't blame yourself, babe.

Lili- (nods) It's just hard not to.

Cami- I know, but she's here now and you're going to keep her safe. And I know Cole will help, and I'm here to help too, and everyone else on this set is here to help you. So you've got this, okay?

Lili- (nods) Thank you, I love you so much. (tears)

Cami smiled and wrapped her arms around Lili before the door opened. Then Cole walked in with their food.

Cami- Sorry, I'll let you guys have your lunch, I just needed a talk with my bestie.

Lili- Thank you Cami, I really appreciate it.

Cami- Of course, I'll see you later.

Lili- Bye.

She walked out and Lili placed Gracie on the couch, wrapping her in a blanket before walking to the small table to eat with her boyfriend. The two of them sat and ate for a little while but then Gracie woke up and walked over, crawling into her mothers lap.

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