Part 8

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The next morning Lili and Cole were woken up by Gracie who had been sniffling and gripping onto her mother tightly. They sat up and looked down at the little girl whose eyes were all puffy and red, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

Lili- Gracie. (softly)

Lili pulled her daughter into her lap, straddling her thighs, then she placed her hands on her little cheeks.

Lili- Baby, what's wrong? (softly)

Gracie didn't respond so Lili wiped away her tears but she still continued to cry.

Lili- Are you just scared? (softly)

The little girl nodded and curled into Lili's chest allowing the young mother to wrap her arms around her small body.

Lili- It's okay honey, I promise you I'm not going anywhere...and I'm going to keep you safe.

Gracie curled further into her mothers arms allowing Lili to kiss her head softly...then Gracie looked up.

Gracie- I love you mommy. (softly)

Lili- I love you too, so much. (tears)

Cole looked at them with heart eyes before placing his hand on Lili's knee, then he stood up.

Cole- Alright girls, what would you like for breakfast?

Lili- Gracie, what would you like, baby?

Gracie- I get to pick? (softly)

Lili- Of course...what do you usually eat?

Gracie- Whatever Maggie and Carl didn't want, sometimes I didn't eat. (softly)

Lili sighed and hugged her daughter tighter before standing up with her in her arms.

Lili- Well, Cole makes the best chocolate chip pancakes, do you want to try that?

Her eyes instantly lit up and she nodded happily making Cole and Lili both smile. The three of them walked into the kitchen and made chocolate chip pancakes all together. Once they were done the three of them sat together and began eating. Instantly the widest smile appeared on Gracie's face as she began to devour the pancakes.

Lili- Are they yummy, baby?

Gracie- Yes! So yummy!

Cole- Good! There's more if you want some.

The little girl nodded and ate as much as she could before slumping into her chair, clearly very full. Lili giggled and walked over to her before picking her up and looking at Cole who was grabbing all of the plates...then she spoke.

Lili- I'm going to get her dressed, are you okay with doing the dishes?

Cole- Yes ma'am.

Lili- Alright, we'll be out in a second.

He nodded and watched as they walked down the hallway. He took all of the dirty dishes over to the sink and cleaned everything but as soon as he finished his phone rang.

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