Part 31

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Cole- Lil's, what is it?

Lili- I-It's um... (softly)

Cole- Babe, are you okay?

Lili- M-My ex just DMed me...h-he uh, he wants to meet his daughter. (tears)

Cole took the phone from his girlfriend, reading over the message before turning back to her to see the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Cole- Lili, please don't cry, it's going to be okay. We'll figure it out. (softly)

Lili- Cole, I don't want him near her. (cries)

Cole- I know, but I think keeping her away from him is going to make it worse...let's just talk to him first before we do anything, and then we can see how to go from there.

Lili nodded and leaned into him further allowing him to wrap his arms tightly around her.

Lili- Today has been such a shitty day. (tears)

Cole- I know it has, I'm sorry...but tomorrow we have the day off and we'll spend all day with Gracie.

Lili- (nods) That sounds amazing. (softly)

The two of them stayed on the couch for a while and relaxed before Cole picked Lili up and took her back to their room. The two of them got ready for bed and laid on either side of Gracie before shutting their eyes and going to sleep.


The next morning, Lili woke up with Gracie in her arms. The little girl was still passed out in her mothers arms, being completely exhausted from the night before. But as Lili turned over to look at her boyfriend, she noticed that he wasn't there.

She carefully rolled out from underneath Gracie, laying her daughter down gently before kissing her forehead and walking out of hers and Cole's bedroom. As she walked down the hall, the astounding smell of chocolate chip pancakes took over their apartment. She smiled as she walked into the kitchen, seeing her boyfriend making a huge stack of pancakes. Then she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him from behind.

Lili- Hey. (smiles)

Cole- Hey beautiful. (smiles)

He turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist before kissing her softly, then he looked down at her.

Cole- Is our princess still sleeping soundly?

Lili- (nods) She was snoring when I woke up with her on top of me. (giggles)

Cole- She was snoring when I woke up too, I think she was exhausted from crying so much.

Lili sighed and looked down at the ground, feeling terrible that she let her daughter go through the life that she was living for four years. But Cole knew exactly what she was thinking and placed his hand under her chin, making her look up at him.

Cole- Lil's, you can't keep blaming yourself for what happened.

Lili- I know, but I can't help but blame myself...because it's my fault.

Cole- Babe-

That's when they heard Gracie begin running down the hallways towards them.

Gracie- Mommy! Cole!

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