Part 45

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Cameron- Fuck! Of course I want to be in Lili's life, that's all I've fucking wanted! That's why I'm here! Jesus christ!

Cameron stood up and began walking over to Lili, but before he could reach her the police officer grabbed him and pulled him out of the room. That's when Gracie finally looked up. She snuggled into her fathers arms while he held her tightly, then Hailey looked back at them.

Hailey- So, I was able to find Gracie's file with her birth certificate, and the only name on there is actually you, so right now Cameron has no right to her. He would have to go through a lot of steps before anything could progress, and even then I don't think it will happen.

Lili- Thank god. (softly)

Hailey- Also, at the moment you only have temporary custody of Gracie, if you want you can sign documents now to be her full legal guardian, or you can revisit later and decide what you want to do. Since you're here now, I just thought I would offer that.

Lili- U-Um, yeah, if I can.

Hailey- (smiles) Great, let me grab the documents, I will be right back.

As she left, Gracie looked up at her mom while she sat in her fathers lap, then she asked...

Gracie- Mama, does that mean that I'll always be with you?

Lili- Yes, baby, you're never leaving me again.

Gracie- And daddy too?

She said as she looked up at Cole.

Lili- Sweetie, daddy might not-

Cole- Do you want me to always be with you too?

Gracie nodded as she curled into his chest.

Cole- Then I will be.

Lili- Cole, you don't have to-

Cole- I know, but I want to.

~5 Years Later~

It had taken hours, but finally, the tiny newborn had fallen asleep. Ollie was a week old and was already causing his parents to be sleep deprived, but they loved every second of it.

Cole was in the living room of their house in LA, turning on the TV for Gracie, but when he realized she wasn't there he walked upstairs to his bedroom where Lili was laying in their bed.

Cole- Hey, I know you're about to go to sleep, but was Gracie in here?

Lili- No, why?

Cole- I turned on the TV for her but I don't know where she went. She's probably just in her room though, I'll find her.

He walked down the hallway to his daughter's room, but she wasn't there either...that's when he noticed the door was open to the nursery.

He walked out of Gracie's room and into the nursery as quietly as possible, and as he walked through the doorway he saw his daughter standing there, looking over the crib at her baby brother.

Cole- Hey, Gracie, what are you doing, hun?

She didn't respond so he walked all the way up to her, standing right next to her, seeing how she watched her brother.

Cole- Baby, why are you in here?

Gracie- Are you going to love him more than me?

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