Part 2

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Cole- Lil's, what's going on?

Lili- I need to go home. (cries)

Cole- O-Okay, let me drive you home.

Lili- N-No, I need to go home to North Carolina. (cries)

Cole- W-Why?

Lili- I-It doesn't matter, I j-just need to go. (cries)

Cole- Lili-

Lili- P-Please... (cries)

He nodded and let go of her hand allowing her to grab her phone before she ran out of the hair and makeup trailer.

Madelaine- What was that all about?

Cole- I don't know. (softly)

Lili was running, trying to get to her car as fast as possible, that's when she ran into Roberto.

Roberto- Woah, Lili, where are you going?

Lili- I need to go home to North Carolina. (sniffles)

Roberto- What? Why?

Lili- M-My daughter's in the hospital. (tears)

Roberto- Y-Your-

Lili- P-Please don't ask any questions right now and please don't tell one knows. (quietly)

Roberto- O-Okay, do you know when you'll be back?

Lili- M-Maybe a few days...I will let you know though. (quietly)

He nodded and let her leave, but he was in shock.

Quickly Lili got back to hers and Cole's apartment and packed a small bag while booking the most recent flight she could. The flight was leaving in two hours so she grabbed everything she needed and ran back down to her car before driving to the airport. And before she knew it, she was on her way home to her daughter who she hadn't seen since she was born.

~Many hours later~

It was around 9 PM. Lili had just run into the hospital with her small bag, quickly making her way to the front desk.

Lili- H-Hi, I'm Li-

???- Lili, hi! I'm Anna. I spoke to you on the phone earlier.

Lili- O-Oh, yeah, hi. What room is-

Anna- 127.

Lili- Thank you.

Lili quickly walked down the hall, making her way to her daughter's room, but as soon as she got there, she sighed and just stared at the doorknob before walking in. Instantly she saw her little girl sitting there. She had beautiful blonde hair, and looked so much like her mom.

 But then she saw the bruises that were clearly all over her

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But then she saw the bruises that were clearly all over her.

???- Lili?

Lili- H-Hi, yes. (tears)

???- Hi, I'm Doctor Greene. Gracie has been doing such an amazing job! She's been resting a lot but she should be up soon. Would you like some alone time with her?

Lili- (nods) That would be great.

Doctor- And if you can, please try to find out what happened. She wouldn't speak much.

Lili nodded and watched as the doctor walked out, then she sat down in the chair next to her daughter's bed. The whole time she sat there she couldn't keep her eyes off of her little girl, but then she noticed her begin to stir. She rolled around slowly, clearly being scared by something. Lili quickly got up and sat next to her, rubbing her back softly. Then her eyes opened as she jumped up.

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