Part 20

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Cami- Gracie, honey, I'm not gonna hurt you. No one here is, I promise.

Gracie- I don't want anyone to touch me. (tears)

Cami- We won't if you don't want us too, sweetie.

Gracie nodded while still curling herself into the corner of the trailer, but then there was a knock on the door, startling Gracie slightly. Cami got up and ran over to the door to see Kj. She opened the door and let him in, but Gracie instantly ran into the small trailer bathroom and locked the door.

Cami- (sighs) Okay you can't stay long, Gracie's already scared enough with just me being here...what's up?

Kj- I was looking for Cole but I guess he's not here.

Cami- He's filming.

Kj- Oh's it going with the kid?

Cami- I'm trying here, but she's really scared.

Kj- (nods) She'll open up eventually.

Cami nodded and turned back around to see Gracie peeking her head through the bathroom door. Kj left, wanting to give them alone time, so Cami walked over and knelt down in front of the girl, who was still slightly hiding behind the door.

Cami- Gracie, come here sweetie.

She shook her head and shut the door again.

Cami- Honey, please...

Gracie- I want mommy and Cole. (tears)

Cami- I know sweet girl, they'll be back soon.

Gracie opened the door and ran to Cami, hugging her tightly.

Gracie- They're gonna leave me again and make me go back to Maggie and Carl...I don't want to go! (cries)

Cami- Sweetie, they're not going to leave you. They already love you so much.

Gracie- Mommy already left me once...I don't want her to do it again. (cries)

Cami- And she won't. I promise you that she didn't want to leave you the first time, she really just had no other choice.

Gracie- Promise?

Cami- I promise.

Gracie nodded and curled into Cami's arms.

The two of them sat together for a while and just cuddled because Gracie had been exhausted from the day, but soon Lili and Cole had finished filming and walked into their trailer to see Gracie curled into Cami's arms.

Gracie- Mommy! Cole!

Lili- Hey baby!

She jumped up and ran to the two of them to hug them, but then she went back over to Cami and curled into her chest.

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