Part 44

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Lili- Don't cry, baby, don't cry. (softly)

Hailey- C-Can I ask you? I need to know everything. (softly)

Lili- I'm still not exactly sure if I know everything, but I do know that she was hit a lot and she was even r-raped multiple times by her foster parents. (softly)

Hailey- (sighs) I'm sorry that happened to her...when did you take her back in with you.

Lili- One after she was beaten pretty badly she was found on the side of the road. Someone took her to the hospital but they couldn't get in contact with her foster parents or her social worker so they found my contact and called me. I was here and she was in North Carolina but as soon as I got the call I got on a plane to get to her. And she's been with me ever since. (tears)

The CPS worker nodded and looked down at Gracie who was holding onto her mother tightly. Lili ran her fingers through her daughter's hair, instantly calming her down.

Once Gracie had finally calmed down the CPS worker walked over to Lili and asked to talk to her away from Gracie.

Gracie- No, mommy, don't go. (softly)

Lili- We'll be right outside, sweetie. I promise it'll be okay.

Gracie nodded and watched as the two women walked outside, then Lili and Hailey were able to talke, just the two of them.

Hailey- Okay, I need you to tell me about the situation with Gracie's father.

Lili- We were together when we were younger, but it wasn't a healthy relationship. When I got pregnant he left, and my family kicked me out, I was all alone-

Hailey- And you were 16 at the time?

Lili- (nods) Yeah, that's why I gave Gracie up for adoption. I thought she would be better off with a family that could really take care of her and provide for her...but that didn't go as planned.

Hailey- (nods) You said your relationship with Gracie's father wasn't healthy, what happened, if you don't mind me asking?

Lili- U-Um, I was young and inexperienced when we were together, and at the time I didn't want to have sex with him, but he said he would leave me if I didn' I did. (softly)

Hailey- And you don't want that kind of person around your daughter?

Lili- Not really, no...but I know he is her father so he does have a right to her even though I don't want that. We met up a few days ago so he could meet Gracie and spend some time with her but she did not want to be near him.

Hailey- Okay. I know this might sound like a lot but could I have Cameron come here so I can see how she reacts, without you in the room.

Lili- I-I'm not really comfortable with him being alone with her-

Hailey- I'll be there with them, but I just need to see how she does without you being there.

Lili- (nods) Okay.

They talked for a moment longer before Lili and Hailey walked back to the room where Cameron, Cole and the Officer were sitting.

Hailey- Hey, Cameron, could you come with me for a few minutes.

Cameron- Yeah, of course.

Cameron got up and walked out of the room with the CPS worker while Lili sat next to Cole and took his hand.

Cole- How did it go?

Lili- It was okay, I don't like the idea of him being in there with her though. (softly)

Cole- I know, I know, but the CPS worker is there too. Don't stress.

Lili nodded and rested her head on his shoulder while they waited for a minute but quickly the CPS worker came back, with Gracie crying in her arms, while Cameron was walking behind them.

Gracie- Mommy! Daddy! (cries)

She wiggled out of Hailey's arms and ran over to her parents, grabbing onto them tightly. Cameron rolled his eyes as he sat across the room, then the CPS worker pulled up a chair and looked at all of them.

Hailey- Lili, you seem like you're doing a fantastic job handling your life and now Gracie's life as well, and Cole, it looks like you love the both of them a lot and are really involved as well...

That's when she took a deep breath and looked toward the man on the other side of the room.

Hailey- Cameron, I gave you an opportunity to show that you cared but you didn't really do anything, you didn't even try.

Cameron- She was crying, I didn't want to upset her more.

Hailey- I know that, but you didn't show any compassion to the fact that she was scared either. You showed no emotion. It honestly doesn't look like you want to be in her life.

Cameron- B-But I-I, I do!

Hailey- Do you want to be in her life, or do you want to be in Lili's life?

Cameron- I-I-

Hailey- Just say it.

Cameron- Fuck! Of course I want to be in Lili's life, that's all I've fucking wanted! That's why I'm here! Jesus christ!

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