Part 34

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Lili- Alright, I'm gonna get dressed, can you stay here with her?

Cole nodded and laid down on the bed next to Gracie, then Lili walked into the bathroom to get changed. She put on yoga pants and crop top before throwing her hair in a ponytail, then she walked back out of the bathroom to see Gracie snuggling into Cole's arms.

Lili- You two are so adorable.

Gracie giggled and turned her head into Cole's chest before wrapping her arms around his neck.

Cole- Alright babe, can I go get dressed?

Gracie nodded and let go but as soon as he came back, she jumped right back into his arms. He held her on his hip while she leaned her head on his shoulder, then he looked towards Lili.

Cole- Alright, are we ready to go?

Gracie- Yes!

Lili- Yep! Let's go!

The three of them walked down to their car and left to go to the trampoline park, and as soon as they arrived, Gracie was bubbling with energy.

Gracie- Come on! Come on! Come on!

Lili- We're here baby, we're here. (laughs)

Gracie was bouncing like crazy, wanting to run around but Cole and Lili had to sign in first and get their wristbands. It only took a few minutes, but as soon as they were done and got their wristbands, Gracie bolted to the trampolines.

She jumped around for hours from the dodgeball courts to the foam ball pits. She had so much fun. But after a few hours she was exhausted. She walked over to her mom and crawled into her lap before shutting her eyes.

Lili- Are you done baby girl?

Gracie nodded, making Cole and Lili chuckle slightly, then they went back home.

As soon as they made it back to their apartment they went to the living room to watch tv together. Gracie was half asleep in Cole's arms while Lili was resting her head on his shoulder, but suddenly received a call through instagram, so she got up and walked to hers and Cole's bedroom.

On the phone:

Lili- Hello?

???- Hey,'s Cam.

Lili- C-Cameron, h-hi, I didn't think you were gonna call.

Cameron- I told you I was.

Lili- I know, but it's hard for me to believe everything you say.

Cameron- (sighs) Come on, Lili, don't be like that.

Lili- Be like what?

Cameron- A bitch.

Lili- Excuse me?! I'm not the one who left.

Cameron- Whatever, when will you let me meet my daughter?

Lili- I'm not just going to let you meet her, I need to see you and talk to you in person before I let you anywhere near her.

Cameron- Fine, when and where?

Lili- Well, I live in Vancouver most of the time for my job-

Cameron- Right, that stupid Riverdale show. (laughs)

Lili- (sighs) So we could meet for lunch somewhere downtown.

Cameron- You expect me to come all the way to Vancouver just to talk to you? (scoffs)

Lili- If you really want to meet our child, then yes, I do.

Cameron- Fine, whatever, I'll fly in this weekend.

Lili- G-Great.

Cameron- See you soon, Lil's. (smiles)

Lili- (scoffs) Bye.

Off the phone:

Lili hung up as quickly as possible before throwing her phone down to the bed and groaning loudly. That's when Cole walked in.

Cole- Woah, what's wrong?

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