Part 9

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On the phone:

Cole- Hello?

Roberto- Cole, where are you?

Cole- Oh my god, I forgot to text you. I'm with Lili right now.

Roberto- she okay?

Cole- Yeah, she's fine.

Roberto- I assume you know about everything then?

Cole- Yeah, how do you know?

Roberto- She told me that she had to go back to North Carolina for her daughter, but that's all she told me...I know nothing else. How are they?

Cole- They're okay, Gracie is definitely a little nervous around everything but she's very comfortable with Lili which is good.

Roberto- That is good...but how are you doing with the whole thing?

Cole- I'm okay, very shocked still, but Gracie is adorable. I do still need to talk to Lili more about the whole thing but she has had a lot going on so I'm going to give her some time.

Roberto- Good, are you three going to spend the day together?

Cole- Yeah, we're going to get Gracie some more things that she'll need and just spend the day with her, but we'll be back at work tomorrow.

Roberto- Perfect! If it's okay, I'd like us all to have a meeting in the morning around 9:00. This will mostly be for you and Lili to talk everything through with everyone but this can also help us figure out some new scheduling things. Do you think that will be okay?

Cole- That sounds great, and thank you so much for being so understanding.

Roberto- Of course, there's a lot going on for you two right now.

Cole- Yeah, but seriously, thank you.

Roberto- Of course, I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Cole- See you then.

Off the phone:

As soon as Cole placed his phone down her heard footsteps coming towards his direction so he turned to see his beautiful girls walking over.

As soon as Cole placed his phone down her heard footsteps coming towards his direction so he turned to see his beautiful girls walking over

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Cole- Hey beautiful girls.

Lili- (smiles) Hey, who were you talking to?

Cole- Roberto, he was just making sure everything was okay.

Lili nodded as her arm ran up and down her daughter's back. Then Cole spoke.

Cole- Why don't I go get dressed and then we can go out for the day. Does that sound good?

Lili- Yes, that sounds perfect.

Cole nodded as he gave Lili a kiss on the head, then he walked to their bedroom to get dressed. After a few minutes he walked out of the bedroom and he and Lili grabbed a few things before going down to their car with Gracie. Because they still hadn't gotten a car seat, Lili sat in the back with her daughter to make sure she was safe. Then they arrived at the shopping center.

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