Part 18

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Gracie- Cole... (softly)

Cole- Yes sweetheart?

Gracie- Are you mad at me? (softly)

Cole- Oh my god, baby, no. Why would I be mad at you?

Gracie- Because you didn't want me. (softly)

Cole sighed before pulling Gracie into his lap and wrapping his arms around her.

Cole- I never knew that mommy had you, but I love your mommy, and you're a part of her, so I love you too. I know you're still nervous around me and all of these new people that you're meeting but no one here is going to hurt you, I promise you that.

She looked up at him and nodded before taking another bite of ice cream, then she leaned against his chest. His arms were wrapped around the little girl and as she moved closer, he pulled her in tighter.

Gracie- Maggie and Carl didn't want me either, they just wanted the money that they got from taking care of me. They got mad at me a lot, but I didn't think I was doing anything wrong.

Cole- I'm sure you weren't doing anything wrong, baby. I'm sorry they hurt you and I'm sorry that you're still scared now, but mommy and I won't let anyone hurt you again.

She nodded once again and continued to sit in his lap while they finished eating ice cream, and as soon as they were done, they walked back to the set. Cole was holding Gracie's hand while they walked the few minutes that it took to get back to where they filmed. And as soon as they arrived, Madelaine and Vanessa had seen the two of them walking towards them and instantly ran over.

Cole- Hey guys, how's-

Madelaine- Oh my goodness, she's so cute! Vanessa, look at her!

Vanessa- I know, she looks so much like Lil's!

Madelaine- She's the cutest little thing!

Vanessa- I still can't believe Lili has a kid-

Cole- Madelaine, Vanessa, chill. You guys are going to make her nervous.

Cole said as Gracie began to hide behind him.

Cole- She's been through a lot lately and I don't need you two scaring her, okay?

Madelaine- Okay, okay, fine. But I want to get to know her!

Vanessa- Same!

Cole- And you will, I promise, just give her a few days to warm up to you.

At this point, Gracie was completely hidden behind his legs so he turned around and picked her up onto his hip. She looked at the two girls in front of her and smiled softly, and even though she was still nervous, she waved before leaning her head on Cole's shoulder.

Madelaine- Hi sweet girl, I'm Madelaine, and this is Vanessa. I know you're still nervous around us right now but we work here with Cole and your mom so if you ever need someone to play with, we're always around. And Cami is too, but I don't know if you've met her yet. Either way, we can't wait to get to know you and spend time with you. We'll see you soon, okay?

She smiled and nodded before waving goodbye. Then she looked up at Cole.

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