Part 35

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Cole- Woah, what's wrong?

Lili- It's my fucking ex...I can't stand him.

Cole- What happened?

Lili- He called me asking when he can meet Gracie but he just acts like an asshole over everything! (flustered)

Cole sighed and sat down next to Lili, allowing her to learn her head on his shoulder.

Cole- I know this whole situation sucks but I promise I'll be here through all of it.

Lili- (sighs) Thank you, I love you.

Cole- I love you too, Lil's. Now let's get back to Gracie.

Lili nodded and the two of them stood up, walking back to Gracie who was sleeping peacefully.

Cole- Look at her, she's beautiful. (softly)

Lili- She is. (smiles)

Lili turned around and hugged her boyfriend tightly before the two of them went to lay down with Gracie on the couch. And the three of them cuddled for a long time, never wanting to leave the comfort of each other's arms.


~A week later~

It was a later Saturday afternoon, Lili was pacing back and forth in her trailer when suddenly Cole walked in.

Cole- Hey hey hey, Lil's, calm down.

He ran over to her, wrapping his arms tightly around her before kissing her cheek.

Lili- Where's Gracie?

Cole- She's with Cami, Madelaine and Vanessa.

Lili nodded while taking a deep breath before looking up into her boyfriend's eyes.

Lili- I don't want to go to this lunch.

Cole- I know you don't, but this is something we have to do right now, but I'm going to be with you the whole time.

Cameron had just flown into Vancouver the night before and had texted Lili about meeting her for lunch so they could talk. She wanted to say no, but she knew she couldn't.

Cole- Alright, are you ready?

Lili- I guess. (softly)

Cole- I'll be right next to you the whole time, babe, you know that. If you need anything, just turn to me, okay?

Lili- O-Okay. (whispers)

Then the two of them left. They walked to a restaurant down the street from where they filmed and waited for Cameron to arrive, but as soon as he walked in the door, Lili's heart began to race.

Lili- H-He's here. (softly)

Cole- (nods) I've got you.

Cameron walked over to the two of them with a smirk on his face and sat right across from Lili, but as he looked at Cole, he groaned.

Cameron- Lili, who the hell is this?

Lili- T-This is my boyfriend, Cole.

Cameron- Oh right, you're dating Cole Sprouse, you're a lucky guy Cole, she's amazing in bed-

Cole- Hey! Watch your mouth! (raises voice)

Lili- Cole, calm down, it's okay.

Cole- No it's not, he can't talk about you like that. (raises voice)

Cameron- Aww, how cute, he's protecting you-

Cole- If you say one more disgusting or hurtful thing towards my girlfriend I will happily take you outside and beat the shit out of you.

Lili- Cole, don't stoop to his level. And Cameron, I can easily make it so you never get to meet our kid, so pick your next words very carefully.

Cameron- I-I...sorry. I just don't want this random guy here while we're talking about our kid.

Lili- Well he's not a random guy and he's not going anywhere. He's a part of my life which means he's also a part of Gracie's life, and if you want to meet her, you'll have to deal with it.

Cameron sighed and nodded before Lili continued to talk.

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