Part 39

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The next day Lili was pacing around the apartment being too nervous to sit down, while Cole was on the couch watching a movie with Gracie in his lap.

It was just after 2 PM and Cameron was going to arrive any minute. Lili was trying to distract herself with something but suddenly she just broke down. Gracie was still distracted by the movie so Cole got up and walked over to his girlfriend, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.

Cole- Lili, please don't cry.

Lili- (cries) I can't help it, I'm scared, Cole.

Cole- I know, baby, I know...but I'm here with you, okay?

Lili nodded and wiped her tears before wrapping her arms around Cole, but then they heard the knock at the door. Gracie jumped up and ran over to Cole and Lili, wanting to be close to them.

Lili walked over to the door and was met with Cameron who instantly smirked at her. She rolled her eyes and stepped back as he walked into the apartment, but then he saw his daughter standing right in front of them.

She was a few steps away from him, standing farther away from Cole and Lili than she had looked. She looked up towards her mother who instantly took a step closer to her, but then she looked back at her father who was kneeling down in front of her.

Cameron- H-Hi Gracie...I'm Cameron, your dad. (softly)

Gracie stood there for a moment, not saying a word, but suddenly she turned around and ran to Cole, reaching her arms up to him with tears in her eyes. As soon as he picked her up she wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him as she began to cry into his shoulder.

Gracie- I d-don't want him, I want you. (cries)

Cole- Shh, it's okay, baby. I'm right here.

Lili- (softly) Cole, take her to our room and calm her down, we'll wait here

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Lili- (softly) Cole, take her to our room and calm her down, we'll wait here.

He nodded and walked with Gracie down the hall to their bedroom. He sat down with her, doing his best to get her to calm down, but she couldn't stop crying.

Cole- Sweetheart...

Gracie- I want him to go. (cries)

Cole- I know, baby, I know.

Gracie- I don't want him to be my daddy, I just want you. (cries)

Cole sighed and wrapped his arms around Gracie tightly.

Cole- I can be your daddy too, but only if you want me to be.

She nodded as she looked up at him with her teary eyes. Then she laid back in his arms. And while the two of them were down the hall, Lili was left alone, looking up at Cameron.

Lili- S-She's really nervous around people right now, don't take it personally.

Cameron- But she's comfortable with your boyfriend?

Lili- She wasn't at first. (softly)

Cameron- Did she react like that?

Lili shook her head making Cameron sigh angrily and punch the wall. Lili jumped back, not expecting him to react that way, but then he walked over to her and grabbed her wrist tightly.

Cameron- I need her, okay, you need to get her to like me.

Lili- Cameron, I can't just-

Cameron- You can and you will.

He pushed her up against the wall, leaving no space between the two of them.

Lili- W-Why? (tears)

Cameron- Because, she's my kid! I need her and I need you, Lil's.

Lili- What are you-

He leaned down, placing his lips over hers, kissing her roughly. Lili tried to push him off of her but he kept pushing her harder against the wall, until they heard him.

Cole- What the fuck?!

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