Part 40

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Cole- What the fuck?!

Cameron pulled back from Lili while still keeping his hand around her wrist.

Cole- Get your hands off of her.

Cameron- W-What?! She came onto me!

Cole- I know for a fact that she didn't! And if you don't back away in three seconds, I will beat your ass.

Cameron backed away as Cole walked over to Lili and pulled her towards him.

Lili- I tried to pull away, I swear. (softly)

Cole- I know, Lil's. (softly)

Lili- I just want him to go. (softly)

Cole- (nods) Cameron, I think it's time for you to leave.

Cameron- I don't think so.

Cole- I'm sorry, did you not understand? I want you to leave my apartment.

Cameron- I heard you loud and clear, but I said, I'm not leaving. Not until I get to spend quality time with my child.

Cole- She's asleep, she needs to relax for a moment.

Cameron- Then I'll wait.

Cole- I don't feel comfortable with you in the same proximity as my girlfriend.

Cameron- (angrily) She was mine first.

Cole- She was never yours actually, she is not an object, thank you very much. And I am asking you nicely to leave my apartment, if you don't, I will have to call the police.

Cameron- Well, go ahead. But then maybe I will just have to tell the world all about how Lili here was a slut who had a baby at 16 and then gave her up for adoption, knowing she wasn't going to be a good mother, but now that she has her back, she is keeping her daughter away from her biological, how does that sound?

Lili- (tears) You are such an asshole.

Lili pulled away from Cole and ran down the hallway to her bedroom where she laid down with her sleeping daughter and held her while she cried. But Cole, who was still standing in front of Cameron, was fuming.

Cole- Get the fuck out of here, seriously. Leave my girlfriend alone and leave our daughter alone as well.


Cole- Not biologically, no. But I have been more of a father to her then you will ever be. Now get the fuck out.

Cameron let out an angry sigh before running over to punch Cole, but before he could, Cole grabbed his arm and twisted it backwards. He held onto Cameron and walked him over to the door, throwing him out of the apartment. But before he was gone he said one final thing.

Cameron- Make sure you watch the news, I'm sure you two will be all over it really soon.

Cole slammed and locked the door before running down the hall to his bedroom to see Lili lying with Gracie, who was still sleeping, running her hand up and down her daughter's leg.

He sighed softly and laid down next to the two of them and ran his fingers through his girlfriend's hair gently.

Cole- He's gone. (softly)

Lili nodded and kissed her daughter's head softly before turning her head to look over at Cole.

Lili- He's going to tell people everything. (tears)

Cole- Maybe he won't.

Lili- Cole, you've met him twice now, you know he's not a good person. (tears)

Cole nodded and laid his head down on her shoulder, then he spoke.

Cole- What if you tell the world before he does? (softly)

Lili- What do you mean?

Cole- You can post your story on instagram, and you don't have to say everything. You can tell your story the way you want it to be told, it just might be better than waiting for him to release everything without us knowing when it's going to happen.

Lili looked at him and nodded.

Lili- Hand me my phone. (softly)

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