Part 46

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Gracie- Are you going to love him more than me?

Cole- W-What?

Gracie- Are you going to love him more than me, because I'm not yours?

Cole- O-Oh my god, Gracie, no. I love you just as much as I love him.

Gracie- H-How? (tears)

Cole- Baby, just because you're not my biological daughter doesn't mean that you're not my daughter. I have known you and loved you for almost six years now, and I wish I could've known you your whole life, but even though I haven't, I still love you with all my heart...and I will always love Ollie the same, never more.

Gracie- Do you promise? (tears)

Cole- I promise, now, why don't we go downstairs and watch some TV before bed?

Gracie smiled and nodded while hugging her father before they walked downstairs. They watched TV for about an hour before Gracie got tired and went to bed. Then Cole shut everything down and went up to his room to see Lili asleep. But as he got in bed with her, she opened her eyes and smiled as she wrapped her arms around him.

Lili- Thank you. (softly)

Cole- For what, babe? (softly)

She pulled away and looked directly into Cole's eyes.

Lili- I heard what you told Gracie.

Cole- Oh, yeah, of course. You know I love her so much.

Lili- I know, but she needed to hear those words.

He smiled wrapped his arms around her, pulling her as close to him as possible. Then the two of them snuggled in bed as they were trying to fall asleep. But before they did Lili whispered...

Lili- I know for a while she was something I never told you about, but thank you for always being understanding, and for always loving the both of us no matter what.

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