Part 27

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Cami- Hey cutie pie!

Gracie- Hi. (giggles softly)

Cami smiled at her and brought her over to Madelaine and Vanessa, but then she instantly got quiet.

Cami- Can you say hi to Madelaine and Vanessa?

She waved quietly before curling into Cami's arms but then Vanessa stood up and walked over to the two of them.

Vanessa- Hi Gracie, I know we met you for a minute yesterday but I'm Vanessa and this is Madelaine. We are so excited to spend time with you.

Madelaine- Yes we are! And I promise we're going to have so much fun! Is there something you want to do first?

That's when the little girl got a small smirk on her face.

Gracie- Can we go to the playground? (smiles)

Cami- Of course we can. And after that we'll go get lunch.

Gracie nodded and smiled before wiggling out of Cami's arms. She ran out of the trailer but waited for Cami, Madelaine and Vanessa to follow, then they all went to the park. Gracie held onto Cami's hand as they walked to the playground, but as soon as they got there, she ran onto the jungle gym. Then from the top of the platform she yelled:

Gracie- Cami, Mads, Nessa! Come play!

They all smiled and ran over to play tag, hide and seek, obstacle courses and just run around with the little four year old. And they played for a while until they all got hungry, then they went to a small cafe down the street. Gracie was being super talkative and was having so much fun with the three adults that were watching her. They all had an amazing lunch filled with giggles, but then they had to go back to set. As soon as they all arrived at Cami's trailer, Gracie went over to the couch and curled into the side of it, having already been exhausted...but then they heard a knock on the door.

Gracie- Cole!

Gracie got up and ran to her mothers boyfriend instantly, allowing him to pick her up.

Cole- Hey beautiful, how was your day?

Gracie- So much fun! (giggles)

Cole- That's amazing!

Gracie smiled and looked around for her mother, but didn't see her, so then she looked back at Cole.

Gracie- Cole, where's mommy?

Cole- She's still working, but I'll be with you until she gets back.

Gracie smiled and nodded before wiggling out of his arms and running over to hug Cami, Madelaine and Vanessa.

Gracie- Thank you for taking me to the park and to lunch!

Cami- You're welcome sweet girl!

Madelaine- We had so much fun with you!

Vanessa- Maybe we can do it again soon?

Gracie nodded and said goodbye to the three of them before going back over to Cole and raising her arms up to him. She rubbed her eyes and leaned her head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around her small body.

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