Part 25

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Gracie- Cole... (cries)

Cole- Hey, shh, it's okay, I'm here. What happened, baby?

Gracie- Bad dream. (cries)

Cole- Aww, sweetie, do you want me to get mommy?

She shook her head rapidly before turning her head into the crook of his neck and continuing to cry.

Cole- Honey, it was just a dream...I promise, you're safe.

Gracie- He's gonna do it again. (cries)

Cole- Carl?

She nodded and let out a loud sob.

Cole- Nobody's ever going to hurt you again baby girl, I promise. Mommy and I will keep you you want to sleep in our room for the rest of the night?

She nodded again while continuing to hold onto Cole tightly, then he took her back to his bedroom where Lili was sitting up in bed, waiting.

Cole- We have a guest for the night.

Lili- Gracie...

Cole placed her down on the bed and she instantly crawled over to her mother. Lili wrapped her arms around her daughter but then she saw the tears on her face.

Lili- Babe, what happened?

Gracie- Scary dream. (softly)

Lili sighed and held her tightly before kissing her head.

Lili- You're safe, baby, I promise.

Gracie nodded and laid in her mothers arms, falling asleep really quickly. Then Cole laid back down, pulling his girls close to him.

Cole- Try to fall asleep, my love, it's been a long day...and I'm sure tomorrow will only be longer. (chuckles softly)

Lili nodded and shut her eyes while Cole wrapped his arms around her and Gracie. Then they all fell asleep.


The next morning Gracie woke up and saw Cole already awake on his phone. She crawled away from her mother and over to Cole who instantly wrapped his arms around her.

Cole- Good morning, sweetheart, how did you sleep?

Gracie- Good, I like sleeping with you and mommy. (smiles)

Cole- (chuckles) Well, you can't sleep here every night, but we love having you here too.

She giggled and snuggled into his arms before Cole and Lili's alarm had gone off, signaling them to wake up. Lili groaned and stretched before opening her eyes to see Cole holding Gracie.

Lili- (smiles) Good morning, loves.

Gracie- Good morning, mama!

Cole- Good morning, babe.

The three of them cuddled in bed for a few minutes, allowing themselves to wake up slowly, but then they got up and got ready to go back to set. They packed everything they would need before making their way to set, but as they arrived, Gracie became very clingy towards Lili and Cole again. Cole was holding her as they walked to their trailer but then the little girl saw Cami and smiled.

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