Part 4

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The next morning Lili was woken up to Gracie's doctor walking into the room.

Doctor- Oh I'm so sorry, did I wake you?

Lili- Yeah, but it's okay, I need to get up anyway.

The doctor nodded and walked over to the two of them, looking down at Gracie to check her bruises. But while she was checking on her, she woke up.

Gracie- Mommy?

Lili- I'm right here, sweetie.

Gracie nodded and crawled into her lap while the doctor finished checking her out, then she looked up at them.

Doctor- Everything looks okay! The bruises will need a little bit of time to heal but that's all you can really do. If there is a problem you can come back but I think she should be okay. Let me just grab the guardianship agreement so you two can be on your way!

She quickly walked out to grab the files but while she was gone, Gracie looked up to her mother.

Gracie- What does guardianship mean?

Lili- It means I'm going to be taking care of you for a while.

Gracie- Forever?!

Lili- Hopefully.

Gracie smiled and turned to hug Lili tightly, making them both smile, then the doctor walked back in and had Lili sign everything. And soon enough they could leave.

Doctor- Alright, you two are free to go!

Lili- Thank you so much.

Doctor- No problem.

The two of them got up and Lili grabbed all of her things before looking over at Gracie who had nothing. Then she bent down in front of her.

Lili- Alright baby, we're going to have to go to the airport to get home but do you want to go to the store to get a few pairs of clothes and toys first?

Gracie smiled and nodded while taking her mothers hand before they got an uber to go to target.

They bought a few outfits and toys for Gracie but then they needed to get to the airport so they quickly got there and went through security before getting to their gate and boarding the plane. And everything went great until take off.

Gracie got so scared and began to cry because she had never flown before. Lili did her best to calm her but the only thing that actually worked was taking her into her lap, so that's what she did. She held her daughter and rocked her slowly until the plane was at a steady height, then she sat back down in her own seat.

But the whole time Gracie still held on to her mothers hand. Even once they landed, Gracie wouldn't let go of Lili. But she was scared so it made sense.

Once they were off the plane Lili held Gracie on her hip while also holding their small bag of things, then they made it to the car.

Lili didn't have a car seat yet so she just buckled Gracie in and decided to drive home very slowly. But luckily, hers and Cole's apartment was only about 10 minutes from the airport. So they arrived home quickly...but Lili became really nervous.

Gracie was in her arms as they walked up to their apartment, then as they arrived Lili opened the door. And instantly Cole ran over and saw them.

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