Part 30

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Gracie- Mommy, what's wrong?

Lili- Nothing baby, but Cole and I do need to talk to you.

She nodded and looked up at her mom knowing what they needed to talk about.

Lili- I need you to tell me everything that you told Cole, about what Carl did to you.

Gracie- A-Are you and Cole going to...

Cole- No! We would never do that, Gracie, ever.

Lili- (sniffles) Just tell me what you can remember.

Gracie- Sometimes I was sleeping, other times I was awake. but he always came in, sometimes Maggie came too. He sat with me and told me that he was giving me a present, then he held me and put his private in mine...I didn't like it mommy, it hurt. (tears)

Lili- I-I know, my many times do you remember him doing it? (sniffles)

Gracie- A lot. (tears)

Lili- O-Oh my god. (voice cracks)

Gracie- I'm sorry. (softly)

Cole- Don't apologize, baby, it wasn't your fault.

She looked down at the ground and nodded while Lili was still in shock. Cole took Gracie's hand and pulled her into his lap while wrapping his arms around her, then Lili looked back at them.

Lili- S-Should we take her to the hospital? (tears)

Gracie shook her head and curled into Jughead's chest while gripping him tightly.

Lili- Baby, I just need to make sure you're okay. (tears)

Cole- Lil's, I don't think we should take her to the hospital right now, we don't want to stress her out more than she already is.

Lili nodded and looked at her daughter who was clutching her boyfriend tightly. She moved closer to her boyfriend and daughter, wrapping her arms around the two of them as soon as she had the chance.

Lili- I'm so sorry he did that to you, baby girl. I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. (tears)

Gracie nodded and snuggled between Cole and Lili, allowing them to hold her tightly. For the rest of the night Cole and Lili watched movies with Gracie and snuggled with her, wanting her to feel safe and comfortable. The little girl stayed glued to the two adults for the rest of the night so for dinner they just ordered pizza, wanting to stay home. But as soon as they were done eating, Gracie crawled into Lili's lap.

Gracie- Mama, sleep.

Lili- (nods) Let's go get you cleaned up. Cole, I'm going to get her ready for bed...I can help you finish cleaning up once she's down.

Cole- Don't worry about it, I've got this covered, you stay with her.

Lili smiled and nodded before picking up her daughter and walking with her into her bedroom. She started the bath and made sure the water was warm before Gracie jumped in. Lili got her all clean and warm before wrapping her in a towel and placing her on the counter, then she put her in pajamas. She finished brushing her hair and her teeth before licking her up and carrying her to bed, but as soon as Lili placed her down, she jumped back up.

Gracie- Can I please sleep with you and Cole again, Mama?

Lili- Of course.

Lili smiled and picked her daughter back up, taking her back to her bedroom. Then she got in her bed with her. Gracie was curled into her mothers chest, while Lili had her arms wrapped around her.

Gracie- I love you mommy.

Lili- I love you more baby.

Gracie smiled and shut her eyes, falling asleep after a few minutes. Then Lili slid out from holding her, walking back to the living room where Cole had been waiting.

Cole- Hey, how'd bedtime go?

Lili- Good, she went down easy, but she is in our room again.

Cole- That's okay, at least she's comfortable with us.

Lili nodded and sighed as she collapsed into her boyfriend's arms. That's when she felt her phone buzz. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and saw an instagram notification, but as soon as she read the message, she went pale.

Cole- Lil's, what is it?

Lili- I-It's um... (softly)

Cole- Babe, are you okay?

Lili- M-My ex just DMed me...h-he uh, he wants to meet his daughter. (tears)

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