Part 37

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Lili blushed and took Cole's hand as they walked into his trailer. And as soon as the door shut, Lili was up against it, her back being pushed further and further into the door as they continued to make out.

After a moment, Lili wrapped her legs around his waist, allowing him to pull her off the door and walk her over to the small bed on the other side of the trailer.

He placed her on top of the sheets before pulling her shirt over her head, undoing her bra and inching her pants and underwear down her legs.

As she kicked them to the side, he got rid of his pants and boxers before laying between her legs, forcing them farther apart. His lips attached to hers, pulling her closer to him as she began to lift his shirt up over his head.

Once they were both completely bare, Lili pulled away hoping to straddle her boyfriend so she could prepare herself to ride him, but before she could, Cole pushed her down further into the bed, raising her arms over her head so she couldn't move.

He intertwined his fingers with hers, pushing her hands into the mattress as he began to kiss her neck, all the way down her body. But as soon as he reached her folds, she gasped.

Cole- Alright baby, do you need to be warmed up or do you want to take me rough?

Lili- (shakes head and whimpers) N-No, I can't, you're too big.

He nodded with a smile on his face before kissing her folds softly...then he let his tongue roll over them, working them with everything that he had in him.

His hands came to her thighs, pulling her to him, allowing her to run her fingers through his hair as he worked her.

Lili- C-Cole, o-oh my god. (moans)

Cole- Mmm, you like that baby. (groans)

Lili- Y-Yes, so much. (moans)

Cole- Ugh, Lil's, just the sound of your voice is making me hard. (groans)

Lili whimpered softly as he continued to work her with his tongue, but soon he pulled away and brought himself back over her.

He pushed his hips between her legs, letting himself rest against her opening before kissing her lips softly.

Cole- Tell me when, baby.

Lili- Now, please. (whimpers)

He groaned at the sound of her voice and thrusted his hips forward while his head rolled back. She let out a cry before Cole grabbed her hands, throwing them back over her head to push her down further into the bed.

She cried out his name while her legs widened, allowing him to push his hips farther and farther until all you could hear was the slapping of their skin.

Cole- You feel so good, Lil's. (groans)

She couldn't respond, but her whimpering said enough anyways.

Cole continued to speed up the longer they went on for, but soon he started to feel it...and so did she.

Lili- C-Cole... (moans)

Cole- I know, baby. (groans)

He pounded into her, harder and faster, and as he felt her begin to clench, he groaned as he began to release.

He slowed himself down as his liquids shot into his girlfriend, but he continued to ride out his high until there was nothing left.

Cole- My god, Lil's. (groans)

He collapsed on top of Lili before rolling them over so she was on top of him, her still stuck on his length grinding her hips slowly. But after a minute, he pulled out and let her lay in his arms.

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