Part 22

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The rest of the night was spent with Gracie all over Cole and Lili. She was playing around and finally getting to be a normal little girl. Then it was time for her to go to bed. Lili and Cole had tucked her in together and were sitting with her in her bed when she suddenly said:

Gracie- Can I meet more of your friends tomorrow?

Lili- Of course! I know all of them want to meet you.

Gracie smiled and nodded before leaning up and hugging both Lili and Cole.

Gracie- I love you.

Cole- We love you too sweet girl. Now get some rest, tomorrow is going to be another long day.

She nodded and shut her eyes, falling asleep almost instantly. Lili sat there for a moment and just stared at her little girl, but she was pulled out of her trance when Cole said her name.

Cole- Lili, are you okay?

Lili- Yeah, sorry, I was just thinking.

Cole- About?

Lili- Nothing, I'm fine...come on.

She took his hand as the two of them got up and walked out of Gracie's room, then they ended up on the couch with Lili leaning against Cole's side. But Lili still seemed very out of it.

Cole- Lili, are you sure you're okay? What's going on?

Lili- I'm fine, I promise...but you know what we haven't done in a while?

Cole- What?

Lili smiled and stood up before straddling her boyfriend. She took his hands and slid them around her waist, allowing him to place his hands on her ass, then she kissed him hungrily.

He leaned forward, kissing her lips. She smiled against him. The two quickly moved to their bedroom and undressed themselves before Cole laid on top of her. As his dick found her entrance, he slowly eased into her warmth, a harsh pant leaving her lips. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he slowly began thrusting, but gained speed as her moans encouraged him to go deeper, to thrust harder, to move faster. As he continued to give her more powerful thrusts, her nails dug graves into his back with her eyes rolling back, and moans leaving her mouth.

Lili- You're in my stomach– god.

She cried and squirmed as he thrusted at a consistent speed inside of her. But suddenly, he stopped.

Cole- Turn around and get on all fours.

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