Part 36

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Lili- Why do you suddenly want to meet her?

Cameron- I didn't realize you had actually had her until I saw the pictures of you guys online. I didn't think I cared at first, but after a few days I realized I couldn't stop thinking about you I DMed you.

Lili- O-Okay...but when I told you I was pregnant, you left, and I never fucking heard from you again.

Cameron- What did you expect me to do?! I was 17!

Lili- Well I was 16, and alone! I had nobody. So why do you think I don't believe you when you say you want to meet her now?! (tears)

Cameron- I get it, I'm sorry...but I had my reasons.

Lili- I know you did, but you hurt me, in many ways.

Cameron- I never meant to hurt you, I'm sorry.

Lili nodded and took a deep breath while Cole wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Cameron rolled his eyes and looked away, but then Lili looked back up at her ex.

Lili- You can meet her tomorrow, and we can see how it goes.

Cameron- Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then. Your place?

Lili- Yeah, I'll send you the address and time later.

Cameron- Sounds good...bye Lil's.

She didn't even respond, she just watched as he got up and left. Then she placed her head on Cole's shoulder.

Cole- You dealt with him very well.

Lili- I-It was stressful.

Cole- I know but you were amazing.

Lili nodded but looked down at her lap.

Cole- What? What is it?

Lili- I really don't want him around her.

Cole- I know, babe-

Lili- What if...what if he does something to her?

Cole- He's not going to do anything to her, I will not let Gracie leave my sight, or him for that matter.

Lili- I believe you, but what if he does something that we don't see?

Cole- Then Gracie will come to us and I will kick that bastard out in a second.

Lili nodded and looked into his eyes before leaning in and kissing him softly.

Cole- Now, do you want to get something to eat while we're here or do you want to go back to Gracie?

Lili- I think you know the answer to that. (smiles softly)

The two of them stood up and left, walking back to set to see Gracie. It took them a few minutes, but as soon as they arrived at Cami's trailer, they knocked on the door and waited for the young woman to answer. As soon as Cami opened the door, Gracie smiled and waved towards Lili and Cole as she sat in Madeleine's lap, playing a game with her, Cami and Vanessa.

Gracie- Hi mommy! Hi Cole!

Lili- Hey baby, did you have fun with Cami, Madelaine and Vanessa?

Gracie- Yeah! Mads showed me how to use snapchat, Nessa got me ice cream and Cami bought me some new games!

Lili- Wow, sounds like a fun day!

Gracie- It was! Can I stay longer?

Lili- U-Um, yeah, as long as they don't-

Cami- I don't mind at all.

Madelaine- Me neither.

Vanessa- Yeah, we don't have scenes until a little later anyways.

Lili- Alright, well, I'll be back in a bit, okay?

Gracie- Okay!

Lili- Have fun, baby.

Gracie nodded and went back to playing with the girls as Cole and Lili walked back out of the trailer.

Cole- She's warmed up to them so fast.

Lili- Yeah, I'm glad she feels comfortable with them.

Cole- Yeah me too...and now, we have some time to ourselves. What do you want to do? (smirks)

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