Part 14

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And after almost an hour they had gotten through the whole story...with everyone left in shock. The whole time Gracie had been sitting in Lili's lap, playing on her phone, with everyone looking back and forth between her and her mother.

Cami- Holy shi-shiitake mushrooms.

Cole- Good save. (rolls eyes and laughs)

Cami- Shut up. (quietly)

Skeet- S-So, you have a daughter now...

Lili- I mean, I always did, I just finally can be a mother to her.

Mädchen- And I know this is a touchy subject, but her father...he's not in the picture?

Lili- I haven't talked to him so I told him I was pregnant, so no.

Madelaine- Well, this hot single mama doesn't need him.

Cole- That's right she doesn't, she has me.

He kissed her cheek as everyone gushed over the three of them, then Gracie looked up and got slightly nervous.

Gracie- Mommy, why is everyone watching me?

Lili- They just think you're adorable and they want to get to know you. Can you say hi?

She waved before curling into her mothers chest, then Roberto stood up.

Roberto- Well, Lili, we're glad you're back, the both of you...but now we need to get back to filming. I'll give you all about 30 minutes to get ready but I'd like to get back to the prom sequences, so let's get rolling.

Everyone got up and went to their trailers to get themselves ready for filming. Lili got her makeup done first before putting on her prom dress, then she walked over to her daughter who was sitting, playing with some of her toys.

Lili- Alright babe, are you ready to go?

Gracie looked up and smiled at her mother.

Gracie- (nods) You look so pretty mommy!

Lili- Thank you, sweetheart.

Gracie stood up and took Lili's hand as she grabbed a few of her toys, then they walked out together. But now Lili had to find someone to watch Gracie because she couldn't have her sitting at the back of the set with no one watching her. And almost everyone was going to be in the prom sequence...but then she saw Mädchen.

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