Part 5

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Cole- Lili... (softly)

Lili- H-Hi... (softly)

Gracie- Mommy, who is that?

Cole- M-Mommy? (softly)

Lili- U-Um, that's my boyfriend, Cole.

Gracie- Boyfriend? Like a husband?

Lili- Kind of like that, but not exactly. (softly)

Cole- L-Lil's, can we talk for a second?

Lili nodded and placed her daughter down on the ground but she quickly grabbed onto her mothers leg.

Lili- I'll be right back sweetie, Cole and I just need to talk for a second. Do you want to wait for me on the couch?

She nodded and quietly walked over to the couch while Cole walked over to her, clearly in complete shock.

Cole- Lili, who is that?

Lili- (softly) M-My daughter.

Cole- Biologically?

Lili- Yes. (softly)

Cole- H-How?

Lili- I got pregnant when I was 16, when I told my boyfriend he left which wasn't surprising because he was an asshole. But my parents kicked me out so I found a small apartment to live in...but I knew I couldn't take care of her, so when I had her, I gave her up for adoption.

Cole- You were 16?

Lili- 17 when I had her, but 16 when I found out I was pregnant.

Cole- W-Why is she here though?

Lili- I got a call from a hospital in North Carolina. They told me they tried to get in contact with her foster parents and her social worker but neither of them were answering. And they still had my information so they called me.

Cole- Is she hurt?

Lili- Her foster parents beat her, but she just has a bunch of bruises so they'll have to heal on their own.

Cole- Do you have custody of her now?

Lili- (nods) Until I want to take legal action and have full custody of her, I am her primary and only guardian.

Cole nodded and ran his fingers through his hair before Lili looked back up at him with tears in her eyes.

Lili- Do you hate me?

Cole- What? No! I'm sorry I'm just a little shocked.

He took her hand and caressed her knuckles softly before pulling her into his arms and kissing her head.

Cole- I'm not mad at you, I promise.

Lili nodded and looked over her shoulder to see Gracie sitting quietly on the couch. Cole knew she wanted to go back to her daughter so he led them over to the little girl while still holding her hand tightly. As soon as they reached her she became nervous but Lili sat down next to her while Cole knelt down in front of her. She crawled into Lili's arms and held her tightly while Cole placed his hand on her small knee.

Cole- Hi cutie, I'm Cole! What's your name?

Gracie- Gracie. (softly)

Cole- That's a beautiful name sweetheart! I know mommy already told you but I'm her boyfriend so we'll all be living together!

Gracie- A-Are you going to h-hurt me? (softly)

Cole- Oh my god, no! I would never hurt you honey!

Gracie- Promise?

Cole- I promise, mommy and I are going to take care of you and keep you safe.

She smiled softly and looked up at her mother who was looking down at her. Then she curled into her chest.

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