Part 10

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Cole- Do you want to go to Target? They pretty much have everything there. (chuckles)

Lili- Yeah, that sounds great!

Cole walked over to Lili and Gracie and grabbed the little girl's hand making her smile up at him, then they walked into Target. Cole grabbed them a cart and instantly Lili picked up her daughter and placed her in the little basket so she didn't have to walk the whole time. Then she kissed her cheek softly.

Cole- Where should we go first?

Lili- Let's go to the clothing section.

Cole nodded and the three of them went over to the girls clothing section.

Lili- Alright Gracie, we need to buy you a bunch of clothes so do you want to pick out what you like?

Gracie- Yes!

She reached her arms up to Lili and had her hold her on her hip as they walked through all of the clothes. They grabbed a bunch of things like pajamas, dresses, leggings, t-shirts, everything the little girl would need. Then they went to the bedding section of the store. Lili was holding Gracie's hand as Cole was pushing the cart, then they made it over to the kids bedding.

Lili- Do you want to pick out some sheets for your bed?

Gracie- Sheets?

Lili- Like blankets and for you to sleep with.

Gracie- I can have a blanket?

Lili- Of course you can, baby. You need to stay warm.

Gracie- I usually slept on the floor with a pillow. (softly)

Lili- (sighs) Well now you're going to have your own bed and your own room with everything you want.

Gracie nodded and leaned onto her mothers legs before Lili picked her up and hugged her tightly. They looked through the kids bedding and Gracie picked out a beautiful bed set with rainbow hearts all over it. After that they walked around for a few more minutes until they stumbled across the toys section. Gracie really wanted one but she was a little nervous to ask...but before they walked away Gracie tapped Lili's shoulder making her look right at her.

Gracie- Can I get a stuffed animal, mommy?

Lili- (smiles) Of course you can.

Lili placed Gracie down and let her run over to the toys. Cole and Lili watched in awe as the little girl happily looked around at the toys. She brought over two small stuffed animals to Lili and Cole and then looked up at them.

Gracie- I like both...which one is cuter?

Lili- I think they're both cute, do you want to get both of them?

She smiled widely as she nodded, then she took her mothers hand again as they walked to the checkout station. Cole and Lili bought everything for Gracie and got it all in the car before heading back to their apartment. For the rest of the day they played around their apartment and went to the park and did all things Gracie wanted to do. But as it got late, Lili began to receive a lot of notifications. She was laying with Gracie in her bed, trying to get her to sleep when Cole had suddenly walked in.

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