Part 21

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Lili- Well, I see she warmed up to you.

Cami- Yes she did. (smiles)

Gracie- Are we going home now?

Cole- Yes, and as soon as we get back we can watch a movie while we make dinner. How does that sound?

Gracie- Good!!

Gracie jumped back up and ran over to Cole who picked her up and threw her into the air, then once he caught her they started packing their stuff to bring it back to their car.

Cami- Lili, before you guys go can I talk to you for a minute, outside.

Lili- Um, yeah. Cole, you got her?

Cole- Yes ma'am.

She smiled and kissed his cheek before walking out of the trailer with Cami, then she began to speak.

Lili- Is everything okay? What's wrong?

Cami- Nothing is wrong, I just wanted to let you know that Gracie is so sweet and she loves you so much...but she's scared that you're going to leave her again.

Lili- Did she say that?

Cami- (nods) I think that's one of the reasons why she's so nervous around other people...when you're gone she feels like you're going to leave her, and she doesn't want to end up getting stuck with people who are going to hurt her again like her previous foster parents did.

Lili- I am such a terrible person. (tears)

Cami- No you're not. You had to do what you had to do when you were younger...but now you just need to reassure her that you are not leaving, no matter what.

Lili- (nods) Thank you. (sniffles)

Cami- Of course...and do remember that she loves you so much. She wouldn't be scared of you leaving if she didn't.

Lili nodded and hugged her best friend before walking back into the trailer. Cole and Gracie had packed up everything and were ready to leave but before they did Lili knelt down to her daughter and hugged her so tightly.

Lili- I love you so much, Gracie. I will never leave you again, okay?

Gracie- Okay, I love you mama.

Lili smiled and picked up Gracie onto her hip before turning to Cole and taking his hand. Then they walked to their car and drove home.

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