Part 43

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Lili- I-I have to g-go. (cries)

Mädchen- Y-Yeah, go, we'll tell Roberto what happened.

Cami- Yeah, are you okay? Do you need anything?

Lili- N-No I just have to leave, n-now. (cries)

Cole- (nods) Come on, hun, I'll drive.

Lili nodded and took Cole's hand as they quickly went to their car, then they drove to the police station downtown. As soon as they arrived, they were brought to a room with Cameron and a police officer, but Gracie wasn't in there.

Lili- Where is my daughter?! (cries)

Officer- She's with a CPS worker.

Cameron- Yeah, don't freak out.

Lili- Don't tell me not to freak out! My child was taken from me, by a police officer, and is now in a room with someone that I don't know! How could I not be freaking out?! (cries)

Cole- Shh, Lil's, come's okay. (softly)

Lili walked over to her boyfriend and instantly wrapped her arms around him, allowing herself to cry into his neck. Cole pulled her closer to him while he rubbed his arm up and down her lower back, but then they heard the door open behind them.

???- Hi, sorry to barge in, I'm Hailey with Child Protective Services. I've been trying to talk to Gracie but she's really scared at the moment, Lili, could you come in so she's less nervous?

Lili- Y-Yes. (sniffles)

Cameron- What about me? I'm her dad.

Hailey- We don't need you yet, you can wait here.

He scoffed and sat down in one of the chairs while Cole, once again, hugged Lili tightly.

Cole- I'll be right here if you need anything.

Lili- (nods) Thank you. (softly)

He kissed her cheek softly before she walked out with the CPS worker. Then they walked into a room down the hall where Gracie was sitting in a chair crying. But as she heard the door open, she turned around.

Gracie- Mommy! (cries)

Lili- Gracie! (sniffles)

The little girl jumped out of the chair and ran to her mother, instantly hugging her as she reached her. Lili picked her up and held her on her hip as she kissed her cheek, then she wiped her tears away.

Lili- Are you okay, baby? (softly)

Gracie- (nods) I don't want you to go again. (softly)

Lili- I don't want to either. (softly)

Gracie wrapped her arms around her mothers neck and held onto her tightly for a moment, but then the two of them sat down in the chair, Gracie in Lili's lap, so they could talk to the CPS worker.

Hailey- Alright, Gracie, can you tell me what your favorite thing is about living with mommy?

Gracie- Mommy loves me a lot, so I always get a lot of snuggles. I really like bedtime snuggles.

Hailey- How long have you been living with mommy?

Gracie- I don't know, time is weird.

Hailey- (laughs) Yes it you remember who you lived with before mommy?

Suddenly Gracie got really quiet, but she nodded.

Hailey- Maggie and Carl? What were they like?

Gracie looked up at her mom who nodded, letting her know that she could talk about everything. Then Lili wrapped her arm around her daughter  to make her feel comfortable.

Gracie- Scary. (softly)

Hailey- How were they scary?

Gracie- They yelled a lot...and hurt me a lot. (softly)

Hailey- How'd they hurt you?

Gracie shook her head as tears came to her eyes. She turned her head into her mothers chest and began to cry, Lili instantly hugged her tightly.

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