Part 15

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Lili- Hey! Mädchen, wait up!

Lili ran over to her, still holding onto her daughter's hand. Mädchen turned and smiled at the two of them before looking towards Lili.

Mädchen- Hey Lil's, what's up?

Lili- I know you're probably busy, but would you mind watching Gracie for a few hours? I would ask someone else but almost everyone is in this scene, and I trust you to take good care of her.

Mädchen- Oh, Lili, of course.

Lili- Thank you...I have some of her toys here but there are more in my trailer so feel free to go in there if she needs more and-

Mädchen- Lil's, don't worry, I've got her.

Lili- (sighs) I know, I know.

Then Lili got down on the ground in front of her daughter.

Lili- Alright babe, you're going to stay with Mädchen for a little while. I just have to work for a bit but I'll be back as soon as possible. I love you, be a good girl, okay?

Gracie nodded and hugged her mom before following Mädchen, but she seemed to be leaving a good amount of distance between them. Lili noticed but didn't worry too much since she had to run off to get to the school set.

They were filming for a while, trying to get through all of the prom scenes, but after a few hours they had finally wrapped up. She and Cole now had a little bit of a break so they instantly went to Mädchen's trailer to pick up Gracie. As soon as they arrived Mädchen had opened the door with a sympathetic smile on her face, but they didn't see Gracie.

Lili- Where is she?

Mädchen- In the corner on her IPad.

They walked in and saw Gracie sitting on the floor, curled into the walls while she was watching something on the IPad.

Lili- Has she been there the whole time?

Mädchen- (nods) I got her some lunch since she had gotten hungry but she's still been there for the last few hours. She's very sweet and a very good listener, but I think she's still scared by whatever her foster parents did to her.

Cole- She didn't do this with Lili and I.

Mädchen- Well, Lili's her actual mom so she probably feels a stronger connection and sense of safety with her...and because she's seen Lili comfortable around you, she's also comfortable with you. She hasn't met any of us until today, so I'm not surprised that she's a little nervous.

Lili and Cole nodded before they heard Gracie's little footsteps running towards them.

Gracie- Mommy!

Lili- Hey baby.

Lili bent down and hugged her daughter as she ran to her, then she picked her up. And instantly the little girl hid her head in her mothers neck. Cole smiled at them softly before rubbing Gracie's back, then they turned back to Mädchen.

Lili- Well, thank you for watching her.

Mädchen- Of course, anytime.

Lili continued to hold her daughter as she and Cole walked back to their trailer...but as soon as they arrived she looked down and saw that Gracie had fallen asleep in her arms. And she instantly sighed as she sat down, with her daughter still laying on her.

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