Part 3

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Gracie- M-Mommy? (tears)

Lili- Y-Yeah, it's me. I'm here.

Gracie jumped into her mothers arms and began to cry, causing Lili to cry as well. She finally held her daughter again after four years, and she couldn't have been happier. But then she said...

Gracie- Maggie said you didn't want me. (sniffles)

Lili- I did want you baby, I promise, I just couldn't take care of you. I didn't have enough money to keep us safe. Was Maggie your foster mom?

Gracie- (nods) A-And Carl...I don't like them. (softly)

Lili- Why? What did they do?

Gracie pointed to her bruises making Lili sigh while she hugged her daughter tightly.

Lili- We're gonna talk to someone, okay?

Gracie- N-No! Mommy, I can't tell anyone. They're gonna hurt me again! (cries)

Lili- No they won't, not while I'm here.

Gracie- B-But are you gonna leave again? (sniffles)

Lili- N-No, I'm going to keep you safe, okay?

She nodded and held onto her mother while playing with her hair. Lili smiled and just let her do it, but then her eyes became heavy.

Lili- Baby, go to sleep. You need to rest. (softly)

Gracie- You promise you'll still be here when I wake up?

Lili- Yes, and I'll still be holding you too. (smiles)

Gracie smiled as Lili gave her a kiss on the head, then she let herself fall asleep. But then the doctor walked in.

Doctor- She's asleep?

Lili- Yeah.

Doctor- That's good. Did she say anything about what happened?

Lili- (nods) Her foster parents did something. (softly)

Doctor- (sighs) Unfortunately that is usually the case, I just didn't want to assume.

Lili- This happens a lot?

Doctor- More than you'd think.

Lili- (softly) So what's gonna happen now? You couldn't get in contact with anyone other than me and technically I don't have custody of her anymore. (tears)

Doctor- In situations like this, you could get custody of her again, if you wanted.

Lili- (nods) How do I do that?

Doctor- We have all of her just need to sign that you're going to be her guardian for a while.

Lili- Is there a way I can have full guardianship of her again?

Doctor- You'll have to talk to lawyers, but yes.

Lili nodded and looked down at her daughter before stroking her cheek.

Lili- When will we be able to go?

Doctor- Probably tomorrow morning. I'll check on her when she wakes up but then you two will be able to go.

Lili nodded once again before turning her attention back to her daughter, she couldn't keep her eyes off her. She didn't even notice that the doctor left. Not until her phone rang.

On the phone:

Lili- H-Hey Cole.

Cole- Hi Lil's, is everything okay?

Lili- Y-Yeah, yes...everything is fine.

Cole- Are you sure?

Lili- Yeah, I promise.

Cole- (sighs) Okay, but you need to tell me what's going on.

Lili- I w-will, just not right now.

Cole- Lili-

Lili- I'll be home tomorrow, okay? Just please give me until then.

Cole- Yeah, okay...just please tell me you're safe.

Lili- I'm safe.

Cole- Promise?

Lili- Yes, I promise.

Cole- Okay, I'll see you soon.

Lili- Bye. (softly)

Cole- Bye.

Off the phone:

Lili placed her phone back down before once again looking at her daughter. But soon enough she was able to fall asleep, holding onto her little girl.

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