Part 7

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Lili- I gave her away when she needed me! (cries)

Cole- Lil's, you can't blame yourself for that, you were young, and you are here for her now...that's more than enough.

Lili- The only reason she's here with me now is because the hospital called me, if they hadn't she would be back in foster care, probably with another family that would just beat the shit out of her. (cries)

Cole- Lil's, you need to calm down. She's here with us now and she's safe, and we'll make sure she's happy.

Lili- B-But I'm a terrible mother, I did the one thing I wasn't supposed to do, let her go. (tears)

Cole- Lili, please don't be so hard on yourself, you did what you thought would be best for her.

Lili- It was still selfish. (tears)

Cole- No it wasn't. You wanted her to be happy and healthy and safe. You gave her up so she could be all of those things, but she was placed with the wrong people, and that isn't your fault. We'll take care of her now...I can already tell that she loves you so much.

The two of them looked down at Gracie and saw her clutching Lili's arm with a small smile on her face, then they looked back up at each other.

Cole- She loves you because you are her mom, okay? She will always love you.

Lili nodded and caressed her daughter's cheek before kissing her head softly, then she looked at her boyfriend once again.

Lili- What time do we have to work tomorrow?

Cole- I'm supposed to be filming at 9:00, but you're still not on the schedule right now since Roberto didn't know when you'd be back. And anyway I was thinking that maybe we could take the day off and spend time with Gracie and get her everything she might need. Does that sound okay?

Lili- (nods) That sounds amazing. Thank you for being so understanding.

Cole- Of course my love.

Cole placed his hand on Lili's cheek, rubbing it lightly before she yawned.

Cole- Alright, it's been a long day for you, you should go get changed and get some sleep.

Lili nodded sleepily and carefully got up from the bed, not wanting to wake her daughter, while Cole stayed right next to the little girl. And after a few minutes Lili walked back into the bedroom and crawled back into the bed, wrapping her arms around her daughter. Cole smiled and rubbed her arm as she slowly drifted off to sleep. And once she was out, he kissed her cheek again softly before closing his eyes and falling asleep next to them.

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