You Meet For The First Time

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Marc: (He was wearing the suit when this happened!)

The first time you and Marc met was interesting to say the least

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The first time you and Marc met was interesting to say the least. Those damn jackals were everywhere! Only Marc could see them. You were on the way home from your job at the cafe closest to the museum when you heard footsteps running up from behind you. You were just about to turn around before two arms wrapped around your waist tightly before pulling you out of the way. You looked up at the person who grabbed you and you were speechless. Glowing white eyes stared back at you and a white cape was currently surrounding your body as well as the two strong arms. "Are you okay?" You heard him say. "I think so..." you said softly removing your hands that had wrapped themselves around his biceps. Marc sighed softly under his mask , Steven had told him about you beforehand and asked Marc to protect you if he wasn't in control of the body. He nodded and cleared his throat before glancing at you. To him you were one of the most beautiful women he had ever come across. He had listened to Steven describe you and he agreed with every word now that Marc has seen you for himself.

Steven :

You rolled your eyes as Donna was having a go at your coworker Steven

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You rolled your eyes as Donna was having a go at your coworker Steven. "Is this woman ever happy for a single damn second" you said to yourself walking over to them. Donna heard you walking over and scoffed slightly. "What?" She sneered . "There's someone in the entrance that wants to talk to you . They said it was urgent." You said looking behind her at Steven. She rolled her eyes and stomped off and Steven let out a relieved sigh "Thank you for that... I thought she'd never leave me alone" He said softly. You smiled softly. "She's never happy for a second and she doesn't need to take her bad mood out on someone" you explained. "I'm Steven by the way , Steven with a V" Steven said stuttering a little. You giggle softly "Well Steven with a V, I'm YN." You said , "Beautiful name for a beautiful woman" he said , You blush and sigh. "Would you want to do something after work?" Steven asked fiddling with his jacket , "Of course I would" You accepted , Steven smiles and nods. "I'll see you once we're both finished?" He asked , "It's a date" you said smiling and heading back to your station.

Layla :

Cairo was one of the best places to be

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Cairo was one of the best places to be. Filled with life , delicious food and gorgeous human beings such as Layla Faouly. You and her had grown up together. From kindergarten , to high school and now adulthood. She's your best friend , your number one , your everything. She was unaware of your feelings for her. You were unaware of her feelings towards you. You were both currently sat on the closest beach whilst the sun was setting. You were dressed in some simple black shorts with a white shirt and one of Layla's oversized hoodies since it was starting to get cold. "Can I tell you something?" Layla spoke up , You looked at her from your place on her shoulder and nodded. "You can tell me anything" you said softly whilst her fingers made their way through your hair. "Have you ever wondered why I don't go out there and meet the partner I want?" She asked. You shook your head softly and she carried on.
"I'm already with them" she spoke softly.

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