Steven Grant/Marc Spector

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The last thing you remember was standing next to Marc in front of Harrow and watching Marc fall down. You jolted up in your bed and groaned at the pain in your stomach and slowly got up. You were dressed in a light grey vest top with matching sweatpants and shivered softly grabbing your jacket. You opened your door slowly and stepped out into the boring white corridors. "Where am I.." you whispered to yourself. You walked to where everyone else was and gasped. Donna was strapped to a bed, the person who Steven always spoke to was here , And the guy Layla fought!. "Hey!" You heard someone squeal in front of you. You got tackled by someone wrapping you in a hug and recognised the black curls. "Layla?" You said , She looked at you and smiled patting your hair down and straightening your jacket. "What happened to me? Where's Marc? Is he okay?" You asked worrying about him. Layla looked at you confused. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Me and Marc were both shot... you were there" you explained slowly. Layla shook her head and backed away now seeming scared. "I've been here for months... you're just as bad as him." She pointed to someone in a wheelchair. You looked over at them and recognised the messy unruly curls straight away as well as the broad shoulders and began walking over to him.

"Marc?" You said softly touching his shoulder , Marc tensed up before looking at you and his eyes widened. "YN? Is that really you?" He whimpered quietly reaching up to touch your cheek. You knelt down and leaned into his touch slightly before smiling. "You're alive.." was all he said. "Where are we Marc? Is Steven okay?" You asked , Marc went quiet at the mention of Steven and you furrowed your brows. "He isn't here... he's not responding or fronting , I don't know what's happened to him" Marc said. You gasped softly. If this was an asylum for mentally deranged people , Does that mean Steven never existed? That you and Marc were too mentally unstable to be out there?. You noticed the doll on the floor and recognised the design due to Marc having wore the same suit several times. You unbuckled Marc from the chair and helped him stand up. Marc stumbles slightly but grabbed your hand gently and smiles softly now standing up. "Let's go before someone notices." Marc said pulling you through some doors and practically running down the corridor. "Do we have eyes on Marc Spector and YN YLN? They aren't in their rooms and his chair is outside." You heard someone say on the radio.

Marc swore softly before grabbing you gently and pushing you both into the closest room and pinning you against the wall hiding you from whoever was marching past the top you were both hiding in. Your head was resting on his shoulder as his arms were around your waist holding you to him. "I can't remember the last time I hugged you..." Marc whispered , you blushed softly and looked over his shoulder as you noticed the sarcophagus behind him. Marc noticed and heard the faint banging coming from the inside. "Let me out , let me out , let me out!" Someone cried banging against the top. Marc motioned for you to stay back and opened it. Steven scrambled out letting out small cries and throwing himself into a small corner. You couldn't believe your eyes. "Steven?" Marc asked hesitantly , Steven looked straight at him and gasped heading to him. "Marc!" He cried hugging him tightly. Steven noticed you over Marc's shoulder and smiled even more grabbing you into the hug as well. "YN!" He cried. You hugged them both and sighed softly ignoring the pain you were in.

The hug broke as you stood in the middle of Marc and Steven. "How is this even possible.." Steven asked quietly , "I don't know, what's the last thing you remember?" Marc asked. Steven looked at you and you shook your head. "Harrow shot us and YN" Steven blurted softly. Marc looked straight at you , his eyes filled with concern and worry. "He shot me in the stomach when he thought he had killed you.." you said softly lifting your shirt to show them the wound on your stomach. Marc tensed up and clenched his jaw whilst Steven had found some spare bandages and knelt in front of you changing them for you. Bless his little heart , putting you and Marc first before himself. You ruffled his hair playfully as he stood up and smiled. "We need to get out of here... we need to stop Harrow." Marc said heading towards the door and throwing it open holding his hands up in a clenched fist as he started walking.

Steven held your hand as you both followed behind him , a bit more weary than he was currently being but he's Marc Spector for crying out loud. When was he ever cautious!. All three of you came to a stop in front of double doors when you heard thuds coming from behind the door. Your eyes widened as a hippo dressed in Egyptian clothes threw it open and stared at all three of you. Awkward silence covered the three of you until she spoke. "Hi!" She said waving. You, Marc and Steven screamed. Steven held you tighter as Marc ended up raising his fists.

In that moment , you genuinely felt as if you were crazy

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In that moment , you genuinely felt as if you were crazy. "Oh my god." Steven breathed softly letting go of you , "You're Taweret. The goddess of women and birth.." he finished. She nodded and giggled. "Sorry for scaring the three of you , We don't get new people often so I'm not prepared." She said grabbing some papers. She shuffled through them and muttered to herself. You felt someone grab your hand softly and pull you away as Steven stood talking to her. "Why didn't you tell me he shot you?" Marc asked softly tracing the bandages. "You're really asking me that when I thought the two of you were dead?" You asked with your eyes watering. "When he shot you both I thought my world ended... I'd be by myself again and I didn't want that." You said with tears now rolling down your face. Marc hugged you to him being careful of your wound and sighed softly feeling the tears wet his shirt.
Steven looked over and waddled over wiping your tears with his sleeve being gentle and Marc handed you to Steven who also hugged you.

"We're not leaving you anytime soon YN. We both love you way too much to go back" Steven said softly.

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