Dangerous Desires 4

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Featuring : Jake Lockley , Steven Grant , Marc Spector. (Protective Marc/Steven)

Summary : Marc and Steven find out about Jake scaring you. And they are NOT happy about it.

"I met Jake."

Steven tensed up instantly and pulled away cupping your face to check for any obvious wounds or bruises. "He didn't hurt you did he?" Steven asked softly. You showed him your wrists from where they started to bruise from how hard he had slammed you against the wall previously and Steven sighed softly touching your wrists gently. "He also killed someone in front of me..." you said weakly. "Oh sweetheart... lets get those wrists taken care of yeah?" Steven said leading you over to the bed where he grabbed his first aid kit and sat in front of you placing your wrists on a pillow that he had rested on his lap. "I'm sorry Jake took control... he shouldn't have even been anywhere near you." Steven said concentrating on cleaning any blood or dirt from your wrists.
You and Steve had spoken properly since the kiss and you did feel a little bit awkward. "Why can't he be in control again?" You asked. "He is the most violent parts of Marc that he wanted nobody to see , the more dangerous side of him if that makes sense." Steven explained wrapping your wrists in bandages.

You nodded softly and moved yourself so you were in Stevens lap and hugged him tightly burying your face in his neck. Steve hugged you back and sighed softly relaxing at your touch. "Marc is rather angry with Jake for hurting you... I can hear them screaming at each other in my head" Steven said drawing random patterns on your back. "Does it not hurt your head?" You asked looking up at him. Steven smiled softly and shook his head. "It's rather funny actually , Jake cussing him out in Spanish , Marc being confused at what Jake is saying" He said. You giggled slightly before leaning up and pecking his cheek. "What was that for?" Steven asked blushing a little bit. "You're always so nice to me, Marc is too" You explained. "We l- we care about you so of course we're going to be nice love" Steven chuckled. 'Steven... can I be with her? I wanna make sure she's okay after what that asshole made her witness.' Marc said.

"Marc wants to see you , is that alright?" Steven asked you , You smiled more and nodded before Steven let Marc take control. "Hi princess" Marc said , you cuddled into his chest as he played with your hair. Marc had never felt this relaxed in years. With Khonshu constantly on his case, Jake always yelling from the depths of his mind. Marc felt a feeling that he hasn't felt for awhile. Happiness. Holding you made him feel calm , he had someone to protect when he wasn't out on missions. "Are you okay? I know what you saw must've scared you quite a bit" Marc said softly. "I'm a little shaken up but I'm safe now right?" You asked looking at him. Marc cupped your face with his hand and stroked your cheek softly. "Of course you are , Jake won't be going near you again." He said. You looked into Marc's eyes and found yourself leaning up towards him. "YN..." Marc mumbled quietly.

Your lips brushed his, and he leaned forward, noses brushing as he dragged his lips to just graze over yours. Your heart was threatening to pound out of your chest, and it wasn't until you felt his hand cup your chin, thumb running over your bottom lip, that he pressed his mouth to yours and kissed you. Your shoulders relaxed, melting into his touch as he pressed him self closer to you as your lips began to move with his. He moved his hands down, one pressing onto the back of your waist to pull you in, and the other resting on your thigh. It remained still for a moment before it moved, fingers clenching around the plush skin of your thigh and teasingly moving up and back down again. You felt the muscles of his arm twitch around you, his grip becoming stronger as his hand pushed your torso to be pressing against his. His heart was practically beating alongside yours, chests heaving against one another.

"S-Sorry" you mumbled quietly , Marc chuckled and pecked your lips softly. "Don't be , I liked it" He said. You blushed and hid your face in his neck and he laughed again. "Steven is kicking Jake's ass.." Marc said. "Good" you said quietly starting to fall asleep. Marc noticed and pulled the blankets up over the two of you and laid on his side so you were in front of him. He stroked your cheek softly and kissed the top of your forehead before resting his head on yours gently before going to sleep himself.

The next morning came and you were facing the windows. You tried sitting up but two thick strong arms stopped you from moving. You turned around slowly being careful not to wake Marc up and smiled at how relaxed he looks. You leaned down slowly and pecked his cheek softly feeling him stir a little bit. "Hmmm" he whines softly stretching. Marc or do you thought opened his eyes and smiled softly seeing you. "I could get used to you waking me up like this love" Steven said quietly. You giggled and leaned down kissing him softly. Steven's eyes fluttered closed as he cupped your cheek kissing you back. You played with his messy curls and felt him sigh into the kiss and lean into you more. You felt his other arm around your waist moving you so you were laying down and Steven was the one hovering over you. Steven pulled away and smiled more. "Now if that happens every morning , I'd gladly stay here with you." Steven said. You blushed and he pecked your lips getting up. Only then did you realise Steven didn't have a shirt on. You let your eyes roam down his toned body and heard him chuckle.

"You like what you see huh?" Steven said , You nodded absently and laid down covering your face with a pillow whilst he got changed for work. "If you want , you can stay here and use my Netflix account so you can entertain yourself or you can come with me" Steven said sitting beside you and moving the pillow from your face. "Can I come with you? I wanna see the museum" you said , Steven nodded and stroked your leg above the blanket. "Do you have any spare clothes?" Steven asked , You shook your head and remembered Marc had went out and brought some more clothes for you. He got up and went over to the shopping bag and pulled out this.

You heard someone whistle as you came out from the bathroom after getting changed

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You heard someone whistle as you came out from the bathroom after getting changed. "Damn I made a good choice" You heard an American accent ring out. You smiled and felt his arms around you turning you to him. "Did you sleep well?" Marc asked , You played with the hair at the back of his head and smiled. "Thanks to you and Steven" you said , Marc pecked your lips softly and sighed. "Let's go before Steven's late" Marc said holding your hand before letting Steven have control of the body again. You smiled letting Steven lead you out the door and to the place where he worked. "I can't wait to show you the Egyptian exhibit , it's my favourite one!" Steven said happily.

You smiled softly and leaned against him.

"God I love her so much..." Marc said in Steven's head.

'Me too mate , me too" Steven agreed.

Little did they know, Jake was watching everything that happened. And he was NOT happy.

'She'll be mine... even if I have to chain her up to that damn bed.' Jake thought to himself.

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