When They Realised They Were In Love With You.

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Steven: You were knocking on his door after an extremely stressful day and all you wanted was to be wrapped in his arms and relax. Steven opened the door and seen your tear stained face and instantly hugged you picking you up and carrying you into the apartment. You sniffle softly as Steven sat you both down on the couch and he began stroking your hair gently. "Tell me what's happened sweetheart." Steven  said quietly. As you began explaining what had happened , Steven looked down at you looking so small in his arms and smiled softly. He never wanted to let you go once you were in his arms. "I'm so in love with you..." Steven thought not looking away from you and held you against him tighter.

Marc : You were reading on your bed when Marc  came stumbling through the door with cuts and bruises covering his hands. You gasped instantly getting up as Marc wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and leaning his head on your shoulder. "Oh bubba.." you whispered acknowledging how bad his hands really looked whilst leading him over to the bed. Marc whimpered softly as you tilted his head up pecking his lips softly before grabbing his first aid kit. You made him rest against the headboard of the bed and you straddled his lap carefully and began tending to his injured knuckles. Marc looked at your concentration face and felt his heart burst with admiration and rubbed your leg softly with his other hand. "God I love you so fucking much"

Layla : You were trying to replicate the recipe her father left for her favourite treats and it was going well so far. Layla walked through the door and placed her bag on the closest chair before heading to the kitchen and seeing you standing with a cup of coffee in your hands. "There's my beautiful wife to be~" Layla sung walking to you and giving you a soft kiss. You smiled and handed her the other cup you had made. "What are you making? It smells good" Layla asked sipping on her coffee , You smiled even more and replied with "Your favourite marshmallow treats that you love". Her eyes lightened up and she smiles. "Are you using papas recipe?" Layla asked , You nodded softly and showed her the sheet. Layla pouted softly and grabbed you in a tight hug tearing up a little. "God I can't wait to marry her.."

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