You Go Into Labour

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Marc : It was just you and baby bump in the house with your puppy Cairo and of course Gus. You were currently 37 weeks pregnant and you were washing some dishes in one of Marc's hoodies since it was the only thing that fit you at the moment and a pair of shorts. You were humming your favourite song when you felt a twinge of pain coming from your bump and winced stopping the dishes. "Okay little one , take it easy in there yeah?" You spoke stroking the bump softly as another wave of pain hit you. You let out a small cry and gripped the counter making Cairo stand up and run to you. You stroked him softly letting know you were okay and he kicked your hand before laying back down. You felt water rubbing down your legs and looked down to see a puddle on the floor. "Shit!" You cried grabbing your phone and calling Marc. "Hey mama , what's wrong?" Marc said answering. "T-the baby's coming now! Help me" you cried now sitting down against the kitchen cupboards. "I'm on my way honey , I love you" Marc said before hanging up.

Steven : He was lying on your legs rubbing your bump softly whilst you stroked his hair. Ever since you started showing , Steven babies you , He does all the housework , carries all the shopping etc. The baby kicked where his hand was located and Steven smiled. "They know daddy's here~" He whispered. You smiled but winced as they kicked again but harder. "Are you alright love?" Steven asked now sitting up , his voice laced with worry. The pain came again and this time you sat up whimpering. "I think my waters just broke" You whimpered again. Steven instantly sprung into action grabbing your hospital bag and calling the ambulance whilst trying to keep calm for you and continued rubbing the bump. You were extremely lucky to have a man like Steven in your life and so was your baby.

Layla : Layla was more excited than you for when the baby arrives. She was constantly buying new stuff for them and baby proofing the apartment for when they started walking. You and Layla were in bed sleeping when you felt a wave of pain hit you so you instantly sat up. You rubbed the bump softly and breathed deeply shaking Layla slightly. "Babe... babe wake up" You said. She stirred and shot up when you shook her again. "What's wrong? Is it the baby?" She rushed out. "It's time... the baby's coming" you said softly. Layla smiled and shot out of bed and ran around grabbing your things that you needed for the hospital and loaded it into the car. Layla stopped and grabbed your hands. "You ready princess?" You nodded eagerly and pecked her lips softly before going to the hospital.

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