Layla Faouly.

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Title : Beautiful Little Family.
(This is more like a scenario that's relatively short but not too boring either!!)
Summary : Layla and you finally have your perfect family.

Layla was sound asleep in bed as you were tending to baby Abdullah. "Shhh shhh" you cooed softly picking Abdullah up whilst taking him out of his sleep sack. Abdullah cooed whilst the crying slowly ceased as he cuddled into your shoulder chewing on his little fist. "Did you just want mama?" You asked him softly. He let out a little noise that sounded like the word yes and you smiled softly bouncing him a little bit as you walked back to yours and Layla's bedroom. Abdullah wriggled in your hold and smiled seeing his other mama laying in bed. You sat down beside Layla and she rolled over to where you were both say and began waking up. You giggled softly and set Abdullah down between the two of you making sure you all had enough room on the bed and rested your head on your hand as you stroked his little tummy with your other hand. "Hmmm hello my small little human." Layla said opening her eyes to see Abdullah watching her. He squealed softly and she smiled kissing his forehead softly.

"And good morning to my beautiful wife~" Layla said leaning over to give you a soft kiss, you smiled and blushed a little before she rested her head back down on her pillow. "What should we do today?" Layla asked playing with Abdullah. "Ooo maybe we could take him to the beach for the first time?" You suggested , Layla nodded softly and giggled as he tried rolling over. "I think he'd like that. His little feet in the sand , splashing around in the water." She said. Abdullah giggles and grabbed the pillows in his tiny little hands and squealed softly. "Should we get uncle Steven?" You said , Abdullah instantly looked at you and smiled brighter than he ever has. "Yeah? You want uncle Steven to come with us?" You asked , Abdullah squealed and you took that as a yes.
Abdullah loves his Uncle Steven. Steven loves his little godson. Every time you and Layla want a break , Steven is the first to volunteer to look after him and spoil him with his favourite toys.

Layla smiled and grabbed her phone and called Steven putting it on speaker. "Hello?" You heard Steven's voice through the line and Abdullah squealed again. "I hear my favourite godson~" He said chuckling. "We're going to the beach and taking Abdullah for the first time and we wanted to know if you wanted to come." You explained. "Of course! I'll happily come with you guys!" Steven said excited. Abdullah squealed again happily and made Steven chuckle again. "We'll meet you there in an hour." Layla said , Steven agreed and she hung up getting Abdullah and getting him dressed and ready. You quickly got ready too and smiled when you seen Abdullah in his little swimsuit and took a picture.

You walked out of the house carrying Abdullah and began walking to the beach where you all agreed to meet Steven. Abdullah cooed softly looking at everything around him from over your shoulder and smiled as you noticed Steven standing at the entrance of the beach and turned Abdullah around so he could see him. "Who's that~" you said softly as Abdullah wriggled and reached for Steven squealing happily. "Hi little man~" Steven said taking him from you and hugs him stroking his little head full of soft black curls that Abdullah inherited from Layla. Abdullah smiles and cuddles into Steven's chest as you all walked down onto to the beach where you set out your blanket. You all sat down and Steven sat Abdullah down in front of him keeping a hand on his back to keep him sitting up. "Why is he so cute!" Steven said watching Abdullah with a soft smile on his face.

"Because we're his parents." You said motioning to you and Layla whilst giggling. Steven smiled and leaned back on his other hand. It was moments like this that you absolutely adored. Abdullah surrounded by his family. His two mothers , His uncle who loved him as if he was his own. Hearing Abdullah's little giggles as he grabbed handful after handful of sand watching it fall between his little fingers. Layla giggling along with him and taking pictures of him along with Steven and you.

Your own beautiful little family.

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