Dangerous Desires 5

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(So! I have decided to make this mini series into a separate book since it's been getting some positive feedback from you! Thank you so much for the support!)
Featuring : Steven Grant , Marc Spector, Jake Lockley.
Warning : Angst , fluff (towards the end) Jake being soft?.

'She will be mine... even if I have to chain her to the goddamn bed.'

Steven held your hand tightly as you walked to the museum after getting off of the bus. From all three alters , Steven was the most gentle loving one , Marc was the most passionate confident one and Jake seemed like a straight up arsehole so far. You didn't know if you were dating Marc or Steven , or even both of them. You had made a mental note in your mind to ask them about it later. You walked up the steps to the museum and through the entrance. "Alright Scotty! Now who's this lovely lady next to you?" Someone asked popping up in front of you both making you flinch causing Steven to hold you to him protectively. You could tell it was Marc being protective even if he wasn't the one fronting at that current moment. "It's Steven. With a V and she's my girlfriend." Steven said. You looked at him when he said the word girlfriend with blush covering your cheeks. "How the hell did you manage to hide that! I mean she's gorgeous!" JB said now looking you up and down. "Ok back off yeah? She's with me and I won't hesitate to knock you straight out. Now me and my girl are gonna get on with our day without you interrupting." Steven spat slightly leading you away. He lead you to the inventory room and closed the door behind you both and sighed placing his bag on a chair. "Sorry about him... he can't control his hormones when he sees someone as beautiful as you." Steven ranted. "You think I'm beautiful?" You asked softly. He looked at you and walked up until he was in front of you and grabbed your arms being careful of the bandages and wrapped them around his shoulders.

Steven wrapped his around your waist and rested his forehead against yours softly and smiled. "Of course I do , you're like Athena , I know she has nothing to do with Egyptology but I don't care. You're beautiful , feisty when you want to be and you look after me , Well us." Steven says referring to Marc and Jake. You smiled softly and stroked his cheek and sighed. "What are we? Are we dating now , are we just friends or what-" You said being interrupted by Steven kissing you softly. You kissed him back and felt him smile into the kiss before he pulled away slowly. "Be ours YN. Please~" Steven begged. 'Say yes , say yes , say yes' Marc chanted. "Yes" you said softly. Steven smiled brightly and picked you up swinging you around making you squeal with laughter. 'FUCK YEAH!' Marc cheered. He placed you back down and smiled more. "Now you park yourself down there before Donna has my head about not working" Steven said leading you to a chair and letting you sit down. You sat there with a smile on your face as you watched him scan item after item as he told you facts about each god in the Ennead.

(Timeskip to a closing time!)

Steven sighed eventually finishing packing the boxes away and looked over at you. You had fallen asleep resting your head on your arms with Steven's coat around you as a blanket. Steven smiled softly waddling over to you and shook you slightly. "Sweetheart? Come on , wakey wakey~" He sung. You stirred and slowly sat up stretching your arms seeing Steven knelt beside you. "There she is, my little sleepyhead" Steven said softly , You smiled and he helped you stand up grabbing his bag and letting you keep his coat on. "You look adorable in that by the way" He said motioning to the coat. "Why thank you" you said smiling. Steven held your hand once again as you both headed outside deciding to take a shortcut through an alley. The hairs on the back of Steven's neck suddenly stood up and he froze hearing footsteps coming up behind you both. "YN, take my bag for me would you love?" He asked. You took the bag from him and held it in your hands wondering why he had stopped. 'Steven. Let me front.' Jake spoke up. "No , not after what you did to her." He said. 'Something dangerous is about to happen. You have to let me do it.' Jake reasoned. You were looking down at the floor when someone grabbed you from behind and held a gun up to your head.

"YN!" You heard someone yell. They had covered your mouth as you started crying and they dragged you backwards. "What's in the bag." They asked. "I d-don't know" you stuttered. "Fucking liar! I saw you both walking out from that place so tell me!" They yelled in your ear. You flinched and started crying more as the bag was ripped from your hands and you were thrown to the floor. You ended up hitting your head. 'That's it.' Jake growled taking control. You had closed your eyes to help try minimising the pain when you heard multiple thuds , bones being broken , groaning and punches being thrown. "Don't you ever fucking touch her again!" You heard someone scream. You whimpered touching your head carefully and noticing blood on your fingers when Jake came rushing over to you. You tried moving away from him and flicked at the pain in your head again. "Hey hey... I'm not gonna hurt you princess." Jake said softly. You looked at him with teary eyes and he felt his heart crack. Jake didn't mean to scar you hat day or leave those awful bruises on your wrists. "I wanna help you , will you let me help you?" Jake asked softly touching your head with his hand softly. You nodded and he placed his arms beneath your legs and your waist and picked you up bridal style whilst carrying the bag on his other shoulder.

You rested your head carefully on his other shoulder and rested your hands on his back feeling the muscles move beneath your touch. "Fuck you're bleeding.. I have to get you home now" Jake said hurrying to Steven's apartment. Jake kicked the door open with his foot once you had arrived and instantly sat you down on the couch grabbing the first aid kit. "Do you trust me baby?" Jake spoke softly. You hesitantly nodded and he began taking care of the wound. You winced grabbing his arm and Jake stopped. "I know it hurts okay I know , but I have to clean it alright? Keep holding me if it helps." Jake murmured still cleaning.

'Aww look at you , you big softie, I know you love her~' Steven sung.

'Alright fine. I love her... shut up already .' Jake replies.

He finished cleaning the wound and applying the stitches and sighed looking at you.

"I'm gonna protect you with my life...even if I have to die." Jake thought to himself , Steven and Marc agreeing with him.

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