First Kiss

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Marc : You hurried behind a statue and tried your best to stay hidden as Marc took on Harrows men. One of them had snuck up on you and tackled you to the floor injuring your leg. You cried out softly and began fighting with the person that tackled you. You managed to successfully dodge a few punches before you grabbed a nearby bat and swung it at his head and his stomach before shoving the unconscious body off of you. You pulled yourself up off of the ground and held on to the statue in front of you. Marc was panting looking around for you. "No no no" you heard him say , You began walking towards him limping slightly. "Marc!" He heard you call out. He turned around almost instantly and saw you limping towards him , Marc sighed of relief and instantly ran to you while changing into his normal clothes and hugs you tightly burying his face in your hair. "It's okay baby , I've got you now , you're safe I promise" He said. Your face was buried in his chest whilst your arms were wrapped around his torso and his were around your shoulders. He looked down at you whilst cupping your face and checking for any obvious marks or bruises. Marc smiles and slowly leans down connecting your lips in a gentle kiss. Your cheeks flushed red as you kissed him back , Marc sighed into the kiss and deepened it slightly whilst he held you tighter. Marc slowly pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours softly and smiled. "Never scare me like that again sweetheart".

Steven : You turned over in bed reaching for Steven trying to cuddle into him but frowned softly when you touched cold sheets. You sat up and rubbed your eyes slightly and noticed Steven hunched over in his arm chair reading a book. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and leaned down. "Hello love" Steven said rubbing one of your arms softly, You smiled softly "Couldn't sleep again huh?" You asked softly , Steven shook his head and pulled you into his lap carefully and adjusts your legs so they're on either side of his hips and begins reading one of his favourite books to you. You smiled softly nestled into his chest listening to him talk when he decided to look down at you. You brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead as you gave him a comforting smile. He looked back at you, searching in your eyes for the certainty of his sanity. But all he found was you. And he loved it. His eyes fell on your lips, and he couldn't stop himself as he leaned to press his mouth against yours.You  welcomed the kiss, his touch liberating you, as if you had been holding your breath all this time and he was finally allowing you air. But, to your dismay, he took it all back just as quickly. "W-wow" He whispered softly not moving an inch away.

Layla : "Did you kill my father!" She screamed at Marc. You winced at how loud she could scream and so did Marc. You walked over and took her hand before she could yell anymore and began pulling her away. "I'm disappointed in you Marc. How could you do that to her..." you said walking away with her. You lead her to a whole separate area and leaned her against the wall and rubbed her arms softly. "He's not worth getting worked up over Layla. Honestly you deserve so much better than him." You said , Layla leaned forward and rested her head on your shoulder and you began playing with her dark curls as you felt her relax into your body as she hugged you at the same time. She took her head from your shoulder and wiped her tears before looking at you. "I've already found the person I want to be with" Layla said softly , You looked at her confused and then that's when she kissed you softly testing the waters. You pulled her closer whilst kissing her  back and played with her hair. She smiled into the kiss before pulling away and hugging you tighter. You smiled knowing that the girl of your dreams was now forever yours.

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