Steven Grant.

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(Warning : Sadness , episode five spoilers. A bit shorter than my other imagines but this will be emotional and I apologise if I spoil it for those that haven't watched Moonknight yet!)

"You know , Donna hasn't been the same. She's way less bitchy , sarcastic and uptight funnily enough" You said. You were cuddled up to your pillow wearing Steven's hoodie and a pair of his sweatpants that he said you could keep and you sighed. "Marc watches over me , so does Jake from time to time but it's mostly Marc. He's been there for me every single day" You said. You twiddled your thumbs softly and looked over at Gus in his fish tank. "I'm gonna get Gus a sibling... maybe another one with one fin if I can find one" you laughed softly. You pulled the blanket further up your body and sighed nuzzling into them since they still smelled like Steven.

You heard the door open and sat up looking at Marc. "Hey baby" Marc said softly walking to you. You sighed softly tearing up and Marc instantly grabbed you in a tight hug. "I'm here now... you don't have to go through this on your own anymore" Marc said stroking your hair. You let out soft cries as you nuzzled into his chest. Jake watched with sorrow tilting his head down and running his hands through his hair in the reflection of the mirrors. The apartment was quiet , way too quiet apart from the bubbling of Gus in his tank and the whirring from the light on his tank struggling to stay on.

"I can't do it anymore Marc." You sobbed holding onto him. Marc only held you tighter and kisses the top of your forehead.


"I'm always gonna love you YN. You know that don't you?" Steven said intertwining his fingers with yours as you both laid in the bed. You turned to him and laughed softly pecking his lips. "I'm always gonna love you too Steven. No matter what happens with us , we're in this together forever remember" You said showing your left hand with the ring currently resisting on your ring finger.

(Another flashback)
"YN I'm gonna kill you!" Steven said laughing as he chased you around the flat with stupid things drawn on his face. You squealed with laughter as he wrapped his arms around you from  behind and pulled back kissing your cheek. "You're not getting away with it this time missy." He whispered.

(Another one)

You were sat in Steven's lap whilst he rubbed your back softly as he read one of his favourite books to you. You had a rather tough day at work and all you wanted was to sit at home with your husband, cuddle , bake and just relax. "YN-" Steven went to say but he noticed you were fast asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and got up slowly keeping a hold of you and moved over to the bed lowering you both down as he tucked you both in.

(Last one)

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You can kiss your bride now Mr Grant." Steven instantly pulled you to him and kissed you passionately pouring all of his emotions into the kiss. Everyone around you clapped and cheered as they stood up and Steven pulled away slowly.

"I love you so much Mrs Grant~" Steven whispered.

End of flashbacks.

Marc moved you slightly so he could look at you and wiped your tears. "I know I'm not Steven , but I'll try my goddamn best to make sure you're both happy.," he said touching your growing baby bump. You were four months pregnant with Steven's baby. "I'll love you the way Steven has , I'll be here every waking moment making sure you and the baby are safe YN I swear." Marc said softly. You nodded and sighed grabbing the picture frame. You smiled at the memory stroking the picture with your finger lightly, seeing you in your wedding dress looking at the photographer whilst Steven was looking at you. The most beautiful bride he had ever seen... the brightest smile on both of your faces and felt a few tears roll down.

"Why did he have to die Marc...?"

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