Jake Lockley.

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(This was suggested by AnimeDweeb2020. Also I will be using google translate as I don't have a single fucking clue how to speak Spanish. Also this is gonna be a bit shorter than the others.)

You poured running your hand through your hair as you struggled with your current Spanish test. Jake heard you and chuckled softly getting up from the bed and walks over to where you were sitting and wraps his arms around your shoulder and leans down kissing your cheek softly. "What's wrong my love?" He asked , his voice laced with a sleepy tone instantly relaxing you. "I have a stupid Spanish test and I can't understand any of it." You whined leaning your head back.  "You do know I'm Spanish right? I could help or even do it for you" Jake said twirling your chair around so you were facing him. "Help me" you begged. Jake smiles and moves a strand of hair away from your face. "Kiss me first." Jake whispered. You leaned forward and kissed him softly. Jake kisses back tilting his head to the side deepening the kiss slightly and he pulled away slowly.

"Me vuelves loca mi amor." Jake whispered once more. You looked at him confused and he chuckled. "You drive me crazy my love." He translates for you. You smiled and he pulled up the other chair beside you and sat down taking your test and looking it over. "Okay okay , some of this is just basic Spanish and some of it is really advanced so I'll definitely help you with this and every one you get right , I'll kiss you." Jake said. You perked up straight away and he chuckled as he placed the test in the middle of you both as you carried on. He helped you through the basic parts of the Spanish test until it started to get to the more advanced parts. This was where you really struggled and Jake took it slow to make sure you wouldn't get annoyed or irritated.

"Mi amor, lo estás haciendo muy bien, estoy orgullosa de ti." Jake said , "Is that on the test or?" You asked , Jake smiles and stroked your thigh softly. "My love , you're doing so well and I'm proud of you." He said translating it. You smiled and pecked his cheek softly before leaning against him as you carried on. You yawned softly as you began to feel sleepy from all the studying. Jake smiles softly and placed the paper down on the desk and turns to you wrapping an arm around your legs and the top of your back picking you up bridal style. "What are you doing? I need to finish..." you said wriggling around. "No my love. It's midnight and you need rest , I don't want you burning yourself out all for some stupid test. I'll finish it for you and you can get some sleep." Jake said softly lowering you onto the bed and tucking you beneath the blankets. You smiled gently and slightly nuzzle into the pillow before sighing. "Promise you're gonna come to bed when you're done?" You asked sounding like a small child. Jake smiles and kisses your forehead whilst stroking your hair. "Of course my love , now rest." He said getting up and taking your place at the desk.

You closed your eyes and let sleep take over whilst Jake carried on with your test.

Jake POV.

Ayyyy why did they pick the most ridiculous phrases?! This shit is annoying the fuck outta me. I'll go down that damn university and give them a proper lesson on how to teach and speak Spanish. I thought to myself.

"Awww look at Jakey boy , doing our girlfriends homework~" ~ Marc

"Admit it tough guy , you've gone soft for her just like Marc has"~ Steven.

"Excuse me Mr Grant. I have not gone soft!"~Marc.

"Alright alright the two of you shut it. You're annoying the hell outta me and I'm sure if YN could , she'd slap the pair of you for being so loud." I whispered trying not to wake her.

I finished the test within ten minutes and quickly changed my clothes before climbing into the bed beside YN where she turned over and cuddled into my side with a cute little smile on her face.

"Ayy my love , you're gonna kill me with your cuteness." I mumbled slowly falling asleep myself.

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