Jake Lockley.

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Warning: Angst , Violence. Reader getting hurt , Mature language. Fluff near the end.

Jake had told you not to go out by yourself. You of course didn't listen and snuck out when Jake had a mission to do. You were dressed in warm clothes aka one of his hoodies and your favourite pair of sweatpants. You had your phone on you incase you needed to call Jake incase something went wrong. You had met him when you were still with your ex boyfriend. Your ex wasn't very nice to you and would constantly come home drunk. The night you met Jake , you and your ex had just left the club and as per usual , they started screaming at you. Jake noticed and began following you wanting to make sure you were safe. Along with Marc and Steven of course. Your ex had shoved you against the wall and was now screaming in your face when Jake showed up. "Are you alright?" He asked you , you nodded your head yes but your eyes had told him a different story that night. "She's my girlfriend. Why wouldn't she be okay?" Your ex spat and Jake scoffed. "From the way you're screaming at her and bruising her wrists , I'd say she isn't." Jake said. "I'll do what I want with her." Your ex said. "Is this the man you've been sneaking off when you haven't been going to work huh?!" Your ex yelled.

You closed your eyes and felt your ex being pulled off of you and thrown against the other wall. "Not so nice being thrown around is it?" Jake growled holding him by his throat. Your ex whimpered like a little bitch which made Jake smirk. "If I ever catch you near her again? I'll kill you. Now get the fuck outta here before I make a football outta your head." Jake said shoving your ex into the floor in the public walkway. Your ex scrambled away crying and Jake turned to you, his anger instantly softening and took off his jacket wrapping it around your shoulders. "Thank you" you said quietly. "I'm Jake by the way" He said leading you out of the alleyway. "YN" you said smiling at him.

It had been seven months since that night and you've never been happier with him. Of course you knew about Marc and Steven and they loved you as well , just not as much as Jake did. Jake looked after you , he taught you Spanish every night , read your favourite books when you were tired , cuddled you every morning. Life with Jake and the boys was perfect. You looked through all the photos you had with the boys and giggled at a few of them. You had a rather cute one of Jake that you hadn't shown him. Jake was all curled up hugging your pillow in his sleep with his reading glasses hanging from his face. You smiled softly and went to put your phone away when you heard a growl come from behind you. You slowly turned around and were faced with this foul smelling , god awful huge dog looking thing and it bared it's saliva dripping fangs at you. You gasped and began running pressing Jakes name on your phone.

Jake : Baby? What's wrong?
You : Somethings after me! It's like this huge dog thingy!
Jake : Shit! I'll be there as soon as I can-

You didn't get to hear the rest of the sentence before you were flung to the middle of the road. It was 2 in the morning so nobody was really out. You had landed hard on your shoulder and let out a cry due to the surge of pain. Jake heard you cry over the phone and instantly began running to where you were. 'Screw the fucking mission. My baby is more important than your stupid revenge.' Jake had told Khonshu before running. The creature advanced towards you showing it's fangs once again before lunging towards you. You closed your eyes preparing to feel the impact from it's claws and teeth but it never came. You slowly opened your eyes and seen Jake wearing the Moonknight suit beating the ever loving shit out of whatever had attacked you. You touched the side of your head and felt wet liquid coating your fingers sighing realising it was blood.

Jake turned to you and rushed to you as you tried standing up. "I told you not to come out by yourself! Anything could've happened." Jake scolded lifting you bridal style now wearing his normal clothes as he carried you back to the appointment. "Gee thanks for asking if I'm okay! Only got my skull bashed in and my shoulder crushed, no biggie!" You replied sarcastically. 'Sassy girl, I like it' Marc spoke. "Can it Spector," Jake growled opening the door and letting you down. You rolled your eyes and Jake sat you down at the kitchen table as he tended to the wound on your head. "What if I wasn't there YN? What if I never answered the phone?" Jake spoke. You scoffed pushing his hand away. "Are you fucking serious right now? I could've died out there and all you're doing is lecturing me on being out. Wow , you're supposed to be my boyfriend Jake. Not my fucking dad." You spat standing up and heading to the bed laying down on your good side. Jake looked down at his hands before sighing and following you over to the bed laying behind you and moving your hair behind your ear so he could talk to you.

"I know I'm overprotective of you. I get that. Ever since that night , I'm terrified of you being out by yourself incase he might come back for you or even worse.." Jake began threading his fingers through yours and squeezing your hand softly. "When I got the call of you being chased by that thing? My heart stopped YN. I couldn't breathe because I thought it killed you when I arrived." Jake said his voice cracking slightly. You turned your head and noticed the tears in his eyes and moved your hand to his face wiping them away. "I didn't know you felt that way... I'm sorry" you mumbled. "You didn't know? Fucking Christ YN! I've been in love with you since that night. I love having to protect you and hold you at night. Getting to see your beautiful face every morning!" Jake exclaimed softly. You smiled and decided to shut him up by kissing him softly. Jake froze and his eyes slowly fluttered shut as he kissed you back stroking your cheek.

"I'm in love with you too Jake Lockley."

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