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Warning : Angst , strong language , fluff.
Summary : YN thought she had the perfect life with their three boyfriends. What will she do when she finds out that they were all in her head? Or so she thought.

You giggled softly as Marc picked you up and swung you around playfully , you had taken a holiday together and decided to go to Greece. You were both currently stood on your balcony bathing in the warm night and Marc sighed softly. "I love you YN , never forget that~" He whispered , You leaned up and kissed him softly keeping your hands on his shoulders.

(Different scenario)

Jake sighed walking through the apartment door and closed it behind him whilst you lay in the soft , comfortable bed waiting for him. He waddled over to the bed and smiled like a little kid once he seen you and jumped on the bed happily cuddling into your chest. "Someone's happy~" you said laughing and stroking his hair. Jake whines softly hiding his face and you smiled. "Shush woman. Do not interrupt my cuddle session again or there shall be consequences." Jake threatened playfully.

(Different scenario)

"YN? YN wake up darling." You heard Steven say shaking you softly. You opened your eyes and sat up panting softly. "W-What happened?" You asked. "You had a nightmare love... you were crying." He said wiping away the tears you hadn't noticed falling. "Y-you weren't here." You said quietly , Steven instantly picked you up and settled you on his lap with your head against his chest. "Can you feel my heart beating? I'm real sweetheart.. I'm here with you."

(End of scenarios.)

"YN." The doctor said sitting in front of you. You were currently fiddling with your thumbs as you looked up. Your hair was hanging by your shoulders in messy waves and you were dressed in a white jumper with matching pants. (Like Marc was wearing!) The doctor sighed softly and leaned forward resting his hands on the desk. "Can you remember why you were brought here?" He asked , "Because I was wondering the street?" You asked not remembering everything. "Correct , but what else?" The doctor asked , you shrugged softly.
"Who are Steven Grant , Marc Spector and Jake Lockley YN?" The doctor asked. You smiled softly and leaned back in your chair. "They are my partner. They're the ones who gave me this." You said  holding your silver chain with a black promise ring dangling from it. The doctor shook his head and your smile faded.

"They aren't real YN... that ring belonged to your father who passed away." The doctor spoke. You teared up and shook your head. "No they are real! Why else would it have their fucking initials on it?" You asked looking at the ring to which you thought had their initials on it but found nothing. "YN, you were wondering the streets by yourself in the middle of the night , holding hands with what you believed was your partner." The doctor said. You refused to hear any more so you got up from the chair and stormed out of his office going back to your room. You threw open your door and laid dow on your bed clutching the ring in your hand.

(Scenario 1)

"Close your eyes~" Jake said softly. You did what he said and felt something cold being applied around your neck and shivered softly making Jake chuckle. "Can I open them now?" You asked , "Si" he replied and you opened your eyes looking down at your neck to discover a black promise ring. "What is this?" You asked playing with it. "It's from all of us , So you'll always have a piece of us with you , no matter where you go." Jake said smiling. It was them you noticed all the initials carved on it. SG , MS and JL.

(Scenario 2)

"Have you ever thought about having children?" Steven spoke up in the darkness, You reached over and turned on the bedside light and leaned up on your hand looking down at him. "A few times. What made you ask that so suddenly." You said playing with his chain. Steven smiled , "Because I was thinking about us having our own little family.. a baby to look after" he answered. You smiled and blushed. "We want to start a family with you YN."

(Scenario 3)

"Um Marc?" You said , Marc turned to you and smiled innocently. "Yes baby?" He spoke , "Is that my pink  dress?" You said noticing the fabric in his hands. Marc sighed softly and turned to you fully revealing the now shrunken dress. "I tried doing the laundry... I thought I did a good job at it until I noticed I shrunk this..." Marc said. You let out a main and Marc looked at you confused. "I hated hat dress so thank you!" You said giggling.

(End of scenarios)

You sniffles to yourself and wiped away your tears when you heard footsteps heading towards your room. Thinking it was one of the guards coming to check on you , you instantly sat up and grabbed your book and began reading. The footsteps stop in front of your room so you look up and instantly freeze. Those soft brown eyes , the curled up fists underneath the shirt that was a little big on him, The messy curls that looked absolutely gorgeous, and that heavenly, amazing smile. "Steven?" You said tearing up. Steven smiled and stepped inside your room and you  got up running to him and hugging him to you as tight as possible. "I knew I would find you again~" Steven whispered softly hugging you back. You let out a few cries as you still couldn't believe he was here... in front of you. "You're real... you're actually real" you said cupping his face. Steven smiled and wiped away the tears with his sleeve. "It's not just me sweetheart." He said softly. You looked at him confused and he lead you out of your room.


Jake and Marc were stood directly in front of you as well with huge smiles on their faces. "Am I dreaming?" You asked touching their faces softly. "No baby , you're not dreaming." Marc answered kissing the palm of your hand softly. "Even if you were, we're bound together...all of us." Jake said motioning to the ring. You looked down at it again and noticed their initials glowing within the black decorations. "Did you really think I wouldn't put a tracker in that ring so we knew where to find you if we ever got separated?" Jake said chuckling. You smiled softly and hugged both of them relishing in the moment with your boys. Your life was perfect again and now it always will be.

"Let's get outta here baby. Right after we kill that doctor."


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