Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley

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(In this , all three personalities have been separated but Reader is unaware of Jake. Who has proven to be more violent than Marc...)

You were aware of Marc and Steven. Hell you discovered they were separated in the asylum where you all currently reside. You still couldn't get your head wrapped around it as they were both stood in front of you. "H-how" you breathed. Your arm was in a sling due to being thrown to the ground in the tomb before Marc and Steven were shot. Marc and Steven looked as equally confused as you but shrugged. "What's the last thing you remember?" Marc said turning to Steven. "Harrow shot us and injured YN.." Steven said hesitantly , Marc cheered and jumped up and down making Steven flinch slightly and stopped. "Does your arm still hurt?" Steven asked turning to you. "Not really , Just a bit sore" you answered quietly looking at the floor.

Marc noticed and walked to you tilting your head up. "What's wrong?" He asked , Out of nowhere you buried your face in his chest and began crying. Marc looked over at Steven who was stood with his arms crossed mouthing. "Hug her!" Marc wrapped his arms around you carefully and rested his head on top of yours and and sighed softly feeling you relax. "I t-thought I lost you both... I was so scared" You sniffled. Marc kisses the top of your head softly surprising you and Steven and sighs once more. "You're never gonna lose us alright? We won't let that happen" Steven spoke up. You looked over at him from Marc's shoulder and he gave you a soft smile.  Marc and Steven has this conversation already. Steven loved you and so did Marc. They both loved you more than they should and they both decided that they could share you. None of them had kissed you yet but you didn't wanna rush anything.

Marc slowly let you go and headed back to the door opening and walking into the corridor whilst Steven held your other hand gently and led you along the corridor. You smiled softly as Marc stopped in front of a door. Another sarcophagus was stood up. Someone was thudding against the top of it and Marc walked forward but felt you gripping his wrist. "Don't, I have a bad feeling about this" you spoke , Marc nodded and you all carried on walking away until thuds echoed in the corridor in-front of you. Steven pulled you back to him as Marc stood in front of you protectively with his fists raised ready to fight if he needed to. The doors were thrown open and all three of you stared up in amazement.

"Hi!" She said waving

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"Hi!" She said waving. All three of you screamed so loud it could've woken the dead. You panted softly placing your hand on your chest. "Oh sorry , I didn't mean to scare you" She said. Steven gasped softly as he realised who it was. "You're Taweret! The goddess of women and birth.." he said softly. It made you smile how excited he was and walked to the closest window leaning against it looking outside. The weather wasn't the best but you didn't care. Someone's arms wrapped around your waist from behind and a head placed itself on your shoulder. "Whatcha thinking about honey?" Marc said quietly as Steven happily had a conversation with Taweret. You smiled softly and leaned against him carefully. "Just how lucky I am to have you both in my life , whether you share the same body or not" you said facing him. Marc raised a hand up to your face and cupped your cheek gently before smiling. "We're the lucky ones." He whispered before leaning down and connecting your lips in a soft kiss. You kissed back wrapping your one good arm around his shoulders and playing with his dark curls. Kissing Marc was something you couldn't describe, You could feel all the love he has for you pouring into the kiss. Marc pulled away slowly stroking your cheek, "That was the best kiss I've ever had" He whispered , You smiled and pecked his lips once more before looking over at Steven and Taweret,

"I'm gonna go and find the bathroom , I'll be two minutes tops" You said softly walking away to find it, You turned down the left corridor and walked down noticing that the sarcophagus you saw before was now empty. You furrowed your brows and walked inside before you heard the door slam behind you and someone grabbing your wrist. "Marc?!" You said looking at him. He growled and grabbed your throat slamming you against the wall. "Who the hell put me in there?" The person spat. Straight away you knew it wasn't Marc , This one had a New York accent , his face was covered in blood and had a bloody bandage across his nose. "I don't know" you gasped as his grip got tighter. "You're fucking lying!" He yelled. Marc had mentioned a third alter before... someone more violent and intense , from New York and someone that Marc had never wanted to take control. "J-Jake?!" You cried , He smirked and slammed you against the wall one more time.

"What's so special about you huh?" Jake growled , his eyes filled with hatred and anger. You started seeing black spots in your vision as your eyes slowly began to close. You heard the door slam open and felt Jake get ripped away from you as you fell to the floor drifting in and out of consciousness. You seen Marc currently pinning Jake to the wall by the scruff of his neck and felt two arms lift you up into their chest and carry you out. "I've got you darling , you're safe now alright?" Steven mumbled. You looked up at him and smiled weakly before passing out in his arms completely.

"Come on darling wake up" you heard someone say as you stetted to come around. You opened your eyes slowly and seen Steven hovering about you slightly since he had your head in his lap. "There she is" He smiles , Steven helped you sit up and you leaned your head on his shoulder. You remembered what happens and touched the bruise around your neck before Steven pulls your hand away and holds it tightly in his. "How do you feel?" He asked you , "Sore , irritated" you answered quietly. Steven sighed softly. "It terrified me. Seeing Jake doing that to you , watching you fall into my arms and not in the way I wanted." He said his voice cracking slightly. You looked up at him and cupped his cheek stroking softly as tears started rolling down. "I'm okay" you whispered , He pulled you into his lap carefully and hugged you to him not wanting to let you go. "I love you... I love you so much YN YLN" He whispered looking at you. "I love you too Steven Grant." You said kissing him softly. He kissed back stroking your waist above your shirt and sighed happily into the kiss.

"YES YOU FINALLY DONE IT!" You heard Marc cheer making you laugh and pull away from Steven who was currently blushing.

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