Layla Faouly

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Title : Better Boyfriend.
Summary : Layla doesn't like your boyfriend. She thinks she would be a better match.

Layla watched with envy at you and your partner. Then getting to touch you, hold you and kiss you which is what she should be doing. You looked over at her and she instantly gave you a soft smile. You smiled back brightly and turned back to your boyfriend with a blank face. This man was boring the fuck out of you and you sighed. Layla could tell you were bored and began thinking of ideas on how to get you away from him and alone with her. "YN can you come to the bathroom with me? I don't feel comfortable going by myself." Layla spoke up. You instantly agreed to go with her and she took your hand in hers pulling you along with her to the closest bathroom. "Thank god you pulled me away from that boring conversation." You sighed once you were hidden away from your partner. "I could tell he was starting to bore you to death." Layla giggled , the drinks now affecting her. You smiled and checked your reflection making sure your makeup was still there and that your dress hadn't slid down. 

Layla secretly watched you in the mirror smiling at you and sighed. "Why are you with him again?" Layla spoke. You froze a little bit and sighed. "He treats me right , he's respectful." You answered.  "Oh come on YN , look at me." Layla said tugging you to look at her. You did as she said and she stroked your hair away from your face. "He doesn't look at you the way I see you YN. I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at you. There's no love, no spark." She whispered coming closer. You took a deep breath in as she kissed your cheek softly.  You had always had some sort of romantic feeling towards Layla but you had pushed it away after she met Marc. Now her and Marc didn't work out because he decided to move to the other damn side of the walk and left without a phone call. But now Layla was here with you. "Layla...I can't" you said backing away from her. She sighed and stepped back running your hands through her hair. "I would be a much better partner than him... you know it" Layla said walking out.

That was the last thing that you remember before waking up in your own bed by yourself. You grabbed your phone and decided to check your texts and discovered some from Layla.

Layla : I know you feel the same. The way you reacted when I touched you last night and the way you smiled when I told you that I loved you.

Layla : We both know I'd be a better partner than him , you're just too scared to act upon it.

Layla : I broke up with Marc for you. Yeah I lied about him going to the other side of the world but god damn it I love you YN. I'll do anything to make you happy.

Just as you finished reading , another one popped up.

Layla : Can I come over and talk to you about this?

You : Alright , I'll be waiting.

You quickly hopped in the shower and washed your hair and picking out some clean clothes. You tried your hair once you were out and sat down on the couch with your phone and a cup of coffee waiting for Layla to arrive. You heard three knocks on the door so you got up and headed towards it. You opened the door and Layla was stood on the other side with a cute little smile on her face. "Good morning." You said letting her in , She waddled in and sat down on the couch. "Would you like some coffee? I just made a pot so it's still hot" you asked closing the door. "Yes please if it's no trouble" Layla responded quietly still feeling sleepy. You smiled and grabbed her a cup of coffee along with her favourite treats that she loved and brought them over setting them in front of her.

"Thank you." Layla responded taking a sip of the coffee. You sat down in front of her with your legs up to your chest and smiled at her. "I know my texts must of been a bit sudden. I do apologise for that." Layla spoke , You shook your head. "It's fine , you said we needed to talk about last night so let's talk." You said drinking your coffee. She nodded. "You broke up with Marc because you love me?" You asked , Layla smiled softly and nodded. "Don't get me wrong. Marc is extremely handsome but he isn't where my heart lies. You are where my heart lies YN." Layla explained. You blushed softly and took another sip of your coffee. "I f-feel the same way about you." You admitted. Layla smiled and sets her coffee down moving closer to you. "I just never felt brave enough to admit it , especially when you were with Marc." You finished.

"Come here~" She said opening her arms. You climbed over and laid your head on her shoulder as she played with your hair as she hugged you.  "All this time wasted when we could've been together." She spoke softly , You nodded. "Wait what about your partner?" She asked. "I broke it off with them before you came over. Turns out they weren't where my heart lies either." You said smiling. Layla leaned in and connected your lips in a soft kiss that made your heart flutter. You kissed back and she moved one of her hands to cup your cheek softly as the other one rested in your hair. Layla pulled away slowly and smiled softly looking into your eyes. "I love you YN YLN" Layla spoke. "I love you too Layla Faouly." You replied.

Layla felt like she was finally home. With her best friend and her lover all in one. And she couldn't be more happier than this current moment.

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