A Do Over~ Marc Spector X Reader series

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(SO! Thanks to a new follower of mine , she suggested I do a part two of the Marc imagine after I wrote the one about birth and maybe make it into a series! So it's gonna be called A Do Over~ Marc Spector x Reader! A thank you to ElizabethCurry7  for the suggestion!!! Also this contains slight smut , strong language!)

'With that , you and Marc part ways until you both end up in your bed together after he decided to make you cum again for him. You were staring up at your ceiling wondering how you were ever gonna find another man like Marc fucking Spector.

You had fallen asleep shortly after you and Marc had finished. Marc sighed softly looking over at you before pecking your cheek softly before getting up and deciding to write a note and leaving it by your bedside. He put his clothes back on and leaned down kissing your forehead softly. "I'm sorry angel..." he whispered before grabbing his things and walking out of the door closing it behind him. You woke up about and slowly reached out but touched cold sheets so you sighed and opened your eyes to discover a note on his pillow.

'Sorry for not being there when you wake up. I enjoyed my time with you today , I loved every second of it... I'll see you later tonight or tomorrow morning. Dream about me sweetheart
Love Marc'

"A fucking note? Seriously?! Asshole couldn't even be bothered to stay around..." you said throwing his note into your rubbish bin and got up from the bed wincing at the subtle ache between your legs and sighed. You grabbed some black shorts and an oversized hoodie and took them into the bathroom before you had begun prepping your shower. You took your hair down from the loose bun and brushed through it getting rid of the tangles. You stepped inside the shower and smiled at the warm water soothing your aching body. You grabbed your vanilla and macadamia nut shampoo (which Marc had bought you... how funny) and applied some to your hair rubbing it in before washing it out. You grabbed the matching conditioner and applied some to your hair and leaving it for a couple minutes. You looked over in the mirror and seen all the love bites Marc had left on your neck. You rolled your eyes and carried on with your shower before stepping out and changing into your clean clothes.

Once you had gotten changed , You sat on our couch wrapped in your favourite blanket and began watching your favourite series. Your phone buzzed so you look down and decide to answer the texts.

Marc : Can I come over? I miss you...
You : Absolutely not. You left a fucking note and didn't even bother sticking around after.
Marc : I didn't wanna wake you... I'm sorry
You : Whatever Spector. Go find your next hoe because it's not me.

You wiped away tears that you didn't realise had fallen and sighed texting your friends and asking them to go on a night out with you. They had agreed and you headed towards your bedroom to get ready. You chose a dark blue dress with some black heels and your favourite bag. You brushed and straightened your hair before spraying your favourite perfume and grabbed your phone heading to the door. You walked to your friends house and knocked on her door. "YN's here!" She yelled opening the door , You laughed as she lead you in to where the other girls were.  "Who's the mystery man then~" Bella asked , You looked at her confused till she motioned to her neck and you instantly remembered the bites. "No one important , just a one night stand" you said brushing it off. "Well we've invited some guys to come with us but they're gonna meet us there" Bella said getting up now the Uber had arrived. You all followed her and climbed into the Uber and were on your way to the club. Just as you looked out of the window your phone went off signalling you had a text, It was from your mum so you quickly responded and put your phone away.

The Uber pulled up outside of the club and you all got out heading inside. "They boys should be over there!" Bella yelled over the music. You followed her but froze once you seen who was there. Tyler , Daniel , Rick and of course Marc fucking Spector. Marc looked up at the sound of heels and noticed you stood there. The boys got up to hug each of you and Marc hugged you to him. "I'm sorry.." Marc whispered , "Save it. I'm going to get a drink." You said pulling away and walking to the bar. "What was that about?" Bella said noticing the two of you. "Oh it's nothing , I'm gonna go with her." Marc said following you. You felt his hand grip your wrist and swing you around so you're facing him. His other arm wrapped around your waist and held you steady as your hands placed themselves on his shoulders. You could feel Marc's chest rising  up and down. "Please listen to me." He begged. You sighed and nodded grabbing his hand and leading him to the bar. Marc kept his hand on your waist holding you to him so he wouldn't lose you.

You both ordered your drinks but Marc insisted on paying so you stood at the bar whilst having your conversation. "Why only a note?" You asked sipping your drink. "I didn't wanna wake you up , I know you have trouble sleeping some nights so I wrote that" Marc said taking a sip of his beer. "You could've woken me and actually let me know instead of just leaving me by myself in bed" You said softly. "I know sweetheart and I'm sorry okay? Next time I'll wake you up and even kiss you if you're lucky" Marc teased. You smirked softly "Oh if I'm lucky?" You asked moving closer to him. Marc smirked also pulling you closer. "What do you say , we finish these and get outta here hm?" He said placing soft kisses on your neck , You bit your lip softly and tilted your head to the side taking another sip of your drink. Marc quickly drank the rest of his beer before dragging you out of the bar not even bothering to tell your friends that you had left and called a taxi. You both climbed into the taxi and Marc had decided to place his hand on your thigh right where your dress ended. "You look absolutely divine babygirl~" Marc whispered kissing your neck , You hummed tilting your head so he'd have more room. You felt his hand moving up and down your legs as if he was teasing you. You whimpered softly and felt him smirk against your neck as the taxi pulled up. You and Marc climbed out after paying the taxi and rushed upstairs so Marc could finally get you into his bed.

Marc opened the door and pulled you insides letting you walk in for a little bit whilst he locked the doors for the night. Marc slowly walked over to you until he was stood in front. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. "Mhm," you mumbled, looking down at your hands. "Y/N, look at me," he said now, his other hand again coming up to hold your chin, making you look him in the eyes. And there it was again, that gleaming you couldn't make sense of. He searched your face, eyes fixed on your features, and it was only until he stared at your lips that it made click to you. It was longing. Marc's thumb traced your bottom lip and tugged it down softly. "Fuck you're so beautiful.," you heard him whisper.

You moved closer then, slowly, breath fanning across each others faces as you stared at his mouth. Your lips brushed against his, barely touching as you both waited for the other to make a move.
And it was right then that you grasped his shirt, pulled you to him and pressed his lips to yours, capturing him in a wanting kiss. Your hands moved to his neck, fingers grazing the nape of it as he grabs at you, trying to get you even closer to him. You weren't even thinking anymore, your lips on his, teeth biting on his lower lip. Marc's hands moved behind your thighs then, lifting you up from the ground and carrying you to the bed, slumping down with him above you, no trace of any pain or anger left. His tongue grazed against your lips, asking for permission, which you granted him. You tugged at his clothes, the fabric still too much between the both of you. He broke the kiss then, for a moment, pulling the shirt above his head and into some corner in the room. He leaned down to kiss your neck then, making you gasp when sucking at that certain spot. "Let out those pretty noises for me baby , let me hear how good I make you feel" Marc growled softly. 

Your fingertips grazed his biceps, his soft skin against yours making you get more desperate for him. "I wanted this for so long", you admitted between gasps, breath hitching in your throat as he moved his hands between your legs, touching you where you needed him the most. "Oh believe me, sweetheart, I did too , from the second I saw you in that tight little black dress~" he breathed into your ear "I will make you feel so good, I promise."

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