What Mornings Are Like With Them.

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Marc : He likes waking you up with kisses.He starts by kissing your forehead , then your cheeks , neck , jaw before finally kissing you properly. He can tell you're awake by the way you kiss him back and it causes him to smile. He surprises you occasionally with breakfast in bed but he likes to start his mornings with a different type of breakfast though. Afterwards he'll run you a bath and pick your clothes for the day (mainly one of his hoodies and your black skinny jeans) and he will do your hair. This man is a sucker for you and he knows it.

Steven : "Sweetheart not too hard , you'll wake Daddy" Steven heard you giggle. It was only then when he felt the two little hands on his chest and Cleo's little body wriggling around squealing with laughter. Steven opened his eyes and saw Cleo inches away from his face and he instantly smiled. "Hello my sweet little Cleopatra~" He said picking her up whilst he sat up. She giggled and cuddles into his chest and he looks over at you. Dressed in one of his shirts with a pair of shorts and two cups of tea in your hand. "And there she is~ my darling wife" Steven said , You walked over and handed him one of the cups before sitting on the bed beside him and Cleo.

Layla : "Wake up sleepyhead~" you heard someone whisper , You stirred in your sleep before opening your eyes. "There she is" Layla said stroking your hair out of your face. You smiled softly and she leaned down to peck your lips softly as you started to wake up properly. "I made you some coffee since I know you don't like starting your mornings without it" Layla motioned to a cup on the bedside table. You smiled and stretched slightly, "You're a lifesaver and the best wife ever , I love you so much" You said giggling and grabbing the cup of coffee. Layla smiled and turned on your TV in your bedroom and you both decided to have a lazy day.

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