Marc Spector.

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Warning : Mentions of violence , strong language , fluff. Slight Steven x reader as well.
Summary : You and Marc has gone to Cairo in order to stop Harrow from releasing Ammit. It was then when you discovered your true power.

You knew you had powers. You had inherited them from your mother and your father from the moment you were born. You grew up thinking you were a monster. That you weren't normal until you had met Marc. He made you feel human , he accepted your powers and often found himself staring at you as you used them. "They're beautiful, magical" he'd say.

You were both currently on your way to Cairo. You were driving the jeep you had hot wired after wiping their minds and Marc was having to get changed. "Damn.. I liked that jacket , oh well." He muttered throwing the jacket into the backseat and grabbed a white shirt slipping it on. You smiled softly and carried on driving. Marc glanced at you and held your other hand. "Have I told you before that you look rather beautiful when you use your powers like that?" Marc said , you laughed. "Yes you have , multiple times." You answered. He smiled and stroked the back of your hand with his thumb before leaning back against the seat. "Did you grab those scrips that were on the sarcophagus?" You asked , Marc nodded and held them up with his other hand. "We're gonna need Steven you know... to help us to translate them." You said.

'He won't give the body back Marc. He could ruin everything.' Khonshu said.

Forgetting you could hear him as well. "Oh shut up you big fucking death bird. You're getting on my last nerve." You growled gripping the wheel tighter. Marc stifled a laugh and sighed. "I know we need him , I'll let him out later alright? I promise , just not now." Marc said quietly , you nodded and pulled up once you thought you were far enough from the tomb and got out the car grabbing the scripts and spreading them out on the hood of the car and rested your head on your arm as you tapped the hood with your finger as you tried to figure it out. "Hey how about these?" Marc said handing you two pieces of the script holding them together. "Oh maybe." You said placing them together with tape. "I'm not seeing any constellations or fragments though." You sighed. "Gah!" Marc growled tearing off a wing mirror and grabbing all the script pieces and walking away a few metres. You walked towards him as he knelt on the floor and began sorting the scripts sticking them together with tape etc.

"Wow Steven." You said kneeling next to him , Steven smiled and handed you the finished coordinates. "Viola" He said , "that's french right?" You asked , Steven smiled and nodded his head staring at you. 'Hey back off pal. She's mine.' Marc warned him, Steven shook him off and helped you stand up. Steven was aware of your powers but had never actually seen you use them. Yes they did scare him a little bit but he wasn't scared of you. You waved your hand and wisps of blue magic flowed from your hand cleaning up any evidence that you were both there. "Wow..." Steven whispered watching. Just like Marc did when he witnessed your powers.


"No!!" You screamed running forward to catch Marc. You wave your hands and blue wisps of magic surrounded his body pulling him upwards and set him gently on the ground as you slowly turned to face Harrow. "You've killed him." You growled. Your eyes had begun flowing the brightest shade of blue as blue orbs began forming around your hands. Something that only happened when you were seriously pissed off. "The scales were not balanced. He had too much chaos in him in order to reside in this world." Harrow said walking out. You looked at Marc and whimpered quietly. "I'll avenge you baby. Don't you worry about that." You said now flying after Harrow.

You landed in front of him and he stopped motioning for his followers to go away and smirked. "You've taken everything from me." You said angrily. "I don't even know who you are girl." He spat hitting his cane against the ground. The purple mist surrounding him. "I'm YN Maximoff. And you killed my boyfriend." You said slowly levitating off the ground due to your powers. Harrow smirked and threw the cane towards you. You threw it out of the way with your magic and landed in front of him now beginning to fight. You threw blue orb after blue orb at him until he swung his cane down towards your face. You stopped it holding your hands in front of your face and growled. You used your magic and flung him to the ground. You stood up and surrounded his body with your blue energy and raised him up.

"You are worthy. Serve Ammit and you will find eternal piece." Harrow groaned. You threw his cane away and twisted your hand making him scream in pain. " I want my boyfriend back." You said with teary eyes. You dropped Harrow and turned away letting the tears roll down as you flew back to Marc and knelt town beside his body. "I'm sorry baby... I'm so so sorry" you cried stroking his face. Your body was now becoming overwhelmed with grief and anger. You backed away slowly as your blue magic started to slowly surround your body. "W-What's happening?" You spoke to yourself.

"Don't fight it my sweet girl , let your powers take control" Your mother spoke inside your head. "Mama?" You asked. "I know it's scary sweetheart , but you're becoming your true self. You are the Lunar Witch." Your mother spoke again. You were now levitating in the air. You took a deep breath and slowly let your powers overcome you letting out a scream.

Your clothes began changing into a blue material

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Your clothes began changing into a blue material. A black cape appearing on your back and a crown matching the colour of your costume appeared on your head. You groaned softly and landed on the floor. "Ow fuck that hurt!" You cried rubbing your shoulder.

"YN?" You heard Marc say behind you, you turned around instantly and gasped. Marc was dressed in the Moonknight suit , not a single drop of blood on him. "Marc!" You cried hugging him tightly. "Oh baby." He breathed hugging you back. "How did you get back? There's no blood." You rushed out. "You look amazing!" Steven said fronting. You giggled softly and pecked their lips before sighing. "I can't believe you're alive.." you said quietly. Steven smiled and rubbed your back softly before letting go.

"Now let's go kill that son of a bitch and his crocodile mistress."

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